..Dumbledore and Some Weird Encounters..

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The next couple weeks were spent practicing from sun up to sun down, in between classes, and even skipping meals. Harry was really cracking the whip on us when it came to our practices. Not that I couldn't blame him. Our first match was against our rival house, Slytherin.

I make my way back from practice, as Harry catches up with me, Ginny and Dean trailing along behind him. Dean had tried out for Beater, making the team along with Seamus. I was so happy, because they were pretty good friends with us.

I smile to the three of them, as I wipe the sweat from my forehead. "Hey guys" I say, smiling again when they all smile to me. "Those practices aren't getting to hard on you, are they?" Dean says, smirking when I wipe my forehead again.

"No, I just haven't worked out this much in my entire life" I say, giggling. The rest of them laugh along with me, as Ron and Hermione come rushing down the hill towards us. "Hey guys" I say, as Harry says "What's up?"

Dean and Ginny walk ahead of us, making their way towards the castle when Ron and Hermione spoke up. "Dumbledore wants to see you both" Hermione says, worry clear in her tone. Ron nods beside her, glancing between the two of us.

"You missed a killer practice Ron" I say, smirking at him. Ron shrugs his shoulders, unable to talk. He's caught some kind of bug, making his voice all scratchy, which causes him to cough like mad.

Harry looks to me, as I look to him. "Well, lets head to his office then" Harry says, and I nod to him. "Be careful, he seemed rather odd tonight" Hermione says, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

I nod to her, before waving to the two of them, and we make our way to Dumbledore's office.


"I just don't understand what you really want us to do" Harry says, as we both watch Dumbledore pacing his office. He stops, glancing at the two of us, looking completely serious.

"How do you not understand. I have a mission I need you two to do for me... It's a top secret mission. You cannot tell anyone unless something were to happen to me" Dumbledore says, before he starts pacing again.

"Something were to happen to you, sir?" I ask, worry taking over my face. Dumbledore ignores my question, as he continues to pace, his hands behind his back. He seems to be lost in thought, as I turn to Harry.

Harry simply shrugs, before looking back to our Headmaster. "We'll do it" Harry says, not even talking it over with me.

Of course I want to help, but I mean this is all so much. Quidditch, practicing, classes, and now a top secret mission...

Dumbledore stops his pacing, smiling at the two of us. He raises both his hands, clapping once. "Excellent. I'll let you both know when to meet with me again. Until then, your both dismissed" Dumbledore says, waving his hands.

His right hand catches me off guard, as I look to Harry. We both quickly stand, before slowly leaving his office and making our way down for lunch.


"Harry, did you see his hand?" I ask, as we work on our homework in Study Hall. Harry glances to me, nodding a couple times. "Yeah, I saw his hand during the Summer when he came and got me. I never got the chance to ask him what's wrong with it. He always seems to have something on his mind..." Harry's voice trails off, as he bites his lip.

So he's noticed too..

I go to say something else when Snape walks to our table. I bite my lips together, watching as he paces back down the isle again. "I'm worried about him. And this mission, what's it about?" I ask, and Harry simply shrugs, knowing as much as I do.

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