Room of Requirement...

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The first week had passed with a blink of an eye, and I couldn't tell you how bored I'd actually gotten. I'd spent the majority of my day's in the library or hanging around Neville. I'd read almost all the books in the library, and even taught Neville a spell or two. He seemed to be struggling on Expelliarmus a lot, but I'm sure by the first week of D.A. he would have it down in no time.

Now we sit in the Gryffindor Common Room in front of the fireplace. Neville is rested in the arm chair, and I'm sitting at his feet. My back is pressed against his legs, as I look through Standard Book of Spells. "We still need a place to practice" Neville says, pulling me out of my book. I turn and look to him, blinking my eyes a few times. "Hmm?" I murmur, rubbing my eyes and letting out a soft yawn. Neville chuckles slightly, before speaking again.

"We still need a place to practice. If we do it in any of the courtyards, Umbridge will get suspicious and bust us" He says, rolling his eyes after his small speech. I giggle to him, but look down at my now closed book. He's right, we do need a place to practice. And somewhere Umbridge wont find us. I look back to him, a small smile creeping on my face. "We can search the castle and grounds tomorrow. But for now..." I pause, standing to my feet and dusting off my skirt. I offer out my hand, smiling down to him. "We sleep" I say, giggling when he takes my hand.

At first he almost gets completely up, but stumbles and falls backwards, pulling me down with him. I sit on his lap, laughing along with him as I look down into his eyes. I watch the way his eyes flick to my lips, then back to my eyes. The way his tongue darts out, lightly sweeping against his lower lip. I feel the heat raise to my cheeks as he places his hands on my thighs. I don't really think either of us really knew what we were about to do, but at this point I'm thankful the portrait door swung open.

I quickly jump off his lap, as Dean Thomas strolls in looking between the two of us. "Oh, hey mate" I say, giving him a small smile as Neville stands up. Neville gives Dean a small nod, as Dean makes small gestures to the both of us before climbing up the staircase and into the dormitories. I turn and look to Neville, feeling the heat still remaining in my cheeks. "I'll see you tomorrow. We have a lot to look through. To find a place to practice.." I say, avoiding his gaze.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow" Neville says as I reach the bottom of the stairs. I didn't waist anytime as I took the stairs two at a time, before reaching the top. I quickly slide into the Girls' Dormitory, and close the door behind me.

Neville almost kissed me. What?!


The next morning, I debate on just sneaking out my window and going to search the grounds alone, but seeing as its a really long fall to the ground if I fell, I chose the longer route. I climb out of bed, pulling on a pair of dark skinny jeans, and my Gryffindor hoodie. I pull on my combat boots, tucking my wand inside the side of them, before sulking to the bathroom to freshen up. I brush my teeth (twice), then pull my hair into a messy bun. Today was my lazy day.

After I feel like I look decent enough to endure the long day ahead, I slowly make my way down the stairs and into the Common Room, only to find it completely empty. Hmm, maybe Neville is down at breakfast right now. After one last glance around the Common Room, I walk out the portrait hole, saying Good Morning to the Fat Lady, I make my way down the staircases, and into the Great Hall.

I spot Neville almost immediately. He's siting at our usual spot at the Gryffindor table. He seems to be in a heated discussion with Dean when I made my way up to them. Dean looks up to me, before looking back down to his plate, and eating another bite of his toast. Hmm, that was strange. "Hey guys" I say, taking my seat to Neville's right. Dean was sat in front of Neville, completely avoiding my gaze. "Hey Rose" Neville says, taking a sip of his orange juice before looking to me.

He has dark circles around his eyes, and his hair was in a mess. It looked as though he hadn't slept in weeks. I suddenly get this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach as I place some eggs and a piece of toast on my plate. I don't waste any time as I quickly dig in, avoiding everyone all together. This has got to be one of the most awkward breakfast's I've ever encountered. I down my juice, before standing up and dusting my pants off.

"I'm going to go ahead and start our day. I'll catch up with you two later. Let me know if you find anything" I say, patting Neville on the shoulder lightly, before walking down the Great Hall and out the double doors.


It was a bit chilly out today. Snow had covered the ground and crunched beneath my boots as I made my way down towards Hagrid's Hut. I doubt he'd be home, but it was worth a shot. Once I had made it down to his house, it was completely empty. There was a small sign on the door. I made my way over to it, and read the writing on it..

Gone out for Dumbledore. Be back... Er.. Soon?

So, Dumbledore has him out running errands. Hmm, weird... He didn't mention that the other day when I had went to send a letter to my Dad. Me and Dad have tried to make arrangements to meet down at Diagonalley soon, and Dumbledore offered to help me out. We hadn't figured out a time or day yet, but hopefully it'll be sometime soon. I really had a lot of question I needed to ask him.. Especially about my mum.

I turn on my heel and head back up to the castle, as a small dusting of snow begins to fall. Its so peaceful out here when everyone's gone. Its like walking on the clouds. I make my way across the Covered Bridge, and through the Stone Courtyard when I spot Neville. He's running towards me with a huge grin on his face.

"ROSE!" He exclaims, stopping when he reaches me. I stand there with my hands in my hoodie pouch, staring up at him. He's wearing that same grin, and his hair is wind blown across his forehead. He smiles to me, slightly panting. "I found somewhere" He says, in-between pants. "You did what?" I ask, feeling a smile of my own spreading across my face. "I found place where the D.A. can practice" He says, taking a hold of my hand and dragging me along behind him.

After running through the castle, earning a few curse words from Filch, and up all seven floors of the castle, we finally stop in front of a large empty wall. I look around, before looking to Neville. "Neville, are you sure-"I go to finish when he holds up his hands, closing his eyes. I shrug my shoulders, before looking back to the wall.

Just then, small dust particles begin to fall in front of my face, as a large brass door is shown. I look to Neville as now looking up to the door, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. He quickly looks to me, shrugging his shoulders. "Told you I found a room" He said, before taking my hand in his, and pulling me through the door.


"You've done it Neville. You've found the Room of Requirement" I say, glancing around the large open room. Mirrors line every wall, and a few test dummies were in each corner. "Yeah, I didn't really know what this room was called. I was just walking along the corridor out there and was thinking that we really needed a place to practice... Then this huge door just appeared" He says, shrugging his shoulders as we're standing the middle of the room.

"Yeah, but its like Hogwarts wants us to fight back" I say, smiling to him. "But.. I don't get it" He says, a small frown pulling on his face. "Don't get what?" I ask, as he makes his way over to me, standing in front of me. "I just don't get why your fighting against me" He says, snaking his arms around my waist. I shake my head at him, pushing slightly on his chest, smiling at him.

"Neville, this is serious" I say, giggling as he grabs a hold of my hands. "Yes, it is.. And I'm serious about you.. You're not like all the other girls that are here..." He says, pulling me back to him and wrapping his arms around my waist. He leans down, pressing his forehead against mine. I smile to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Neville.." I begin, but he shakes his head at me. I go to say something, when he leans down, and softly places his lips against mine.


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