..Lies and Being Caught..

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"I don't believe it" We both say in unison, both running a free hand over our red heads. We both let out a nervous laughter as though we feel like we are meeting for the first time. We kind of are.. Well, I am anyways..

"You look so much like your mother.." He says, and I smile to him, feeling the blush creep up to my cheeks as I remember the woman from the picture. My mother. "It's been so long" He says, taking a step forwards. I go to move back, but my feet feel as though they've been cemented to the ground. He takes a steady stride across the room, stopping just before me.

I watch as he raises his hand, brushing my hair from my face. His hand cups my cheek, and his thumb brushes over it slightly. I smile at the gesture, leaning into his touch. Its warm and gentle, nothing like a touch from a Death Eater should feel like.

As the though occurs, I take a sudden step back, causing him to look at me, puzzled. My eyes flicker down to the snake on his arm again, and his eyes follow mine. He quickly pulls his arm behind his back, as to shield my eyes from the snake.

I look back up to his gaze, as he nervously bites his lip. A habit, I've noticed I've picked up from him. We are so much alike. I noticed that since the little time we've been here together. "I bet you have so much to ask" He says, and I glance around, nervous.

What do I ask him? The man that abandoned me? What do I ask the man who claims he loves me why he never came for me? What do I say?

I look back up into his blue eyes, as a soft smile plays on his lips. "Why didn't you come for me? Why did you leave me with Auntie Jane? I mean I love the woman, but you just abandoned me there, and I never heard from you till now.." I say, in a rushed tone. I watch as he bites his lip again, and as his eyes flicker down to the floor.

He seems to be lost in thought, and I wonder if he's going to actually tell me the truth or just simply lie to me. He's so far told me the truth, that I know of, so why would he lie now? "Well first, it's great to see you too kitten" He says, giving me a soft chuckle. The sound sends butterflies to my stomach, as I watch him look from the ground to me, before he answers again.

"And second, it's a long story. More than I care to admit. All you need to know is I've had Dumbledore and Snape watching you the entire time, to watch over and-" As soon as he says Snape's name, I remember going back in time, remembering he killed my mother. I stop him mid sentence, shaking my head.

"Wait.. Snape?! You let that traitor watch over me knowing that he killed my mom?" I say, staring at him in pure shock. That can't be right. I must be hearing things.

"No. I mean yes, he did. But it's more than that" He says, and I let out a semi laugh. "No, its not. He killed her. Plain and simple. You can't just be okay with him killing her.." I pause, reality hitting me hard in the chest. "Unless you didn't really love her" I say, looking back up into his eyes as my brim over with tears.

My father is now looking at his feet, as he shifts uncomfortably from foot to foot. I don't believe this. "No, kitten.. I loved your mother. More than I've loved anyone. But its just a long story. We don't have time to talk about this. I had very good reasoning with leaving you with Jane. She can explain more to you... I can't explain it all..." He pauses, glancing at the empty fireplace in the room, then back to me.

I nervously runs a hand through his red hair, as he glances around the room. "What's going on?" I ask, noticing the way he keeps fidgeting. "Have you heard anything from Dumbledore recently?" My father asks, and I shake my head. "No, he left the castle. I also left the castle too. McGonagall knows. She's the one who sent me your letter" I say, before continuing.

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