..The Carrows..

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No one seemed to thrilled to have Snape as Headmaster, but having Death Eaters for teachers wasn't all that exciting either.

During the Potion's class, Slughorn kept glancing over his shoulder, terrified one of the Death Eaters would show up.
Thankfully no one did, but that didn't ease anyone's nerves.

Ginny, Neville, Arthur, and myself all make our way to DATDA, stomachs full of worry.

Ginny and I took a seat behind Neville and Arthur. Ginny grabs her supplies for the class and I follow her movements. There's soft chatter amongst the classroom as everyone got out their supplies.

The doors open, and I turn to see Pansy and Draco waltzing in. Pansy has her wand withdrawn, a smile plastered on her pug like face. I roll my eyes and look to Ginny as she's looking to me, a smirk on her face.

"What?" I ask, pulling out my copy of Defense Against the Dark Arts: Level Six and Seven.

"I saw that" Ginny says, looking from Pansy to me. "What? Me glaring at the pug look alike?" I ask, annoyance clear in my voice.

"That's an insult to pugs everywhere!" Ginny says, throwing her hand on her chest to add more of a dramatic feel to her words. I giggle to her as the doors open again, and the room falls silent.

We all look to see two blonde headed figures stride into the room and to the front. Their black beady eyes scan the room, falling on Draco and Pansy. I watch as the two blondes (one male, one female) give Draco and Pansy a smile, giving there identys away...


I roll my eyes, looking towards the Carrows, as they begin to talk.

"This year, you will be learning about the three Unforgivable Curses.." The female begins, without introducing herself.

Ginny twitches nervously in her seat beside me, and I notice the way Neville adjusts in his seat as well.

"I'm Amycus Carrow, and this is my brother Alecto. Snape has given us strict rules on what to teach you all this year. Seeing as some of you like to act out in rebellion, we figured the Unforgivable Curses were the perfect place to start..."

There were whispers around the classroom, as I glance around to all the horrified faces. I look back to the front, when Pansy speaks up.

"Who will you test on? You don't have a... dummy" Pansy says, throwing me a look at the word dummy. I roll my eyes, looking from her to the Carrows.

Alecto hides his smile as Amycus responds. "We will practice on you all, of course. And when we think you guys are prepared enough, then you all will duel one another" Amycus says, finishing her speech.

This is absurd...

I glance around the classroom, meeting those familiar gray eyes again. I roll mine, looking back to Amycus as she scribbles something onto the chalkboard that looks like chicken scratch.

"So, who would like to start first?" Alecto says, clasping his hands together, a wide grin on his face.

Everyone in the room glances around, but none were brave enough to go forth first. I look to the front when Pansy speaks again.

"I volunteer a Gryffindor to go first..." Pansy says, clapping excitedly. I look to her quickly, so does everyone else.

"Of course you would.." I hear Ginny murmur, as she looks down to her paper when Alecto calls on her.

"Ms. Ginerva Weasley-"

"It's Ginny" Ginny snaps, glaring at the Carrows. Alecto rolls his eyes, as he withdraws his wand.

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