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The second I slid out of the fireplace, I loathed Draco more than I had before.

Why would he do that?

I lay there, coughing from all the dust and look around. I was in the livingroom of Shell Cottage. Bill and Fleur come into the livingroom, Fleur letting out a soft squeal as she rushes to me, helping me up.

They must of apperated here before I did.

"Where're the others? 'az anyone came wit' you? My sister, Mum-"

Bill pulls Fleur from me, rubbing her arms with his hands, trying to comfort her. I look at the scar on Bill's face, remembering Ron telling me it's from Greyback, the werewolf.

His blue eyes drift to mine, an apologetic look behind them. "Is anyone..." But Bill didn't finish that sentence.

"I- I don't know!" I say, fumbling on my words. Everything has happened so fast, I didn't know what to say or to think.

"What do you-"

But Fleur's voice was cut short when two more figures slid out of the fireplace. I smile softly when I see Ginny and Arthur standing from the fireplace.

"Ginny!" Bill says, pulling his sister to her feet, hugging her tight. Arthur was next for a hug, but it was slightly odd for the two of them.

Ginny and Arthur both see me, smiling softly. Ginny comes to my side, and walks me over to the couch.

"Did anyone else make it out?" I ask, as Ginny wraps her arms around my shoulders.

"I don't know. Last I saw Mum and Dad, they were battling Greyback, the werewolf. I didn't want to leave them, but Mum told Arthur to bring me to the safe house" Ginny says, staring at Arthur.

Arthur takes off his dress robes, stowing them on the chair close to us. He looks to me, taking a seat. "You alright?"

Ginny stands up, going into the kitchen. I look to him, as Bill and Fleur follow Ginny, probably to ask her questions.

"You've asked me that a lot since we've met" I say, smiling softly to him. I listen to the fire cracking, watching as the flames are now orange. They dance in their own movement, and my mind seems to wander back to Draco.

Had I really seen him?

The last hour seem like a blurr. But the alcohol doesn't help. I look back to Arthur as he stares at his hands, seeming to be lost in thought as well.

I let out a sigh, when the fireplace turns a bright green, and two more figures emerge from the flames.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley walk out. Their clothing seemed tattered and splattered with burnt spots. Mr. Weasley looked around to the faces that were here, as Ginny, Bill, and Fleur emerge from the kitchen.

"Ginny!" Mr. Weasley cries as Ginny flung herself into her Father's arms. "Thank heaven's you're alright!"

Ginny continues hugging her Father as Mrs. Weasley glances around to all of us. She sighs happily when she sees me and Arthur sitting down, but her smile quickly falls when she notices people missing.

"Where are Harry, Ron, and Hermione?"

Everyone looks around to one another, before looking back to Mrs. Weasley.

"The last time I saw them, they were battling a Death Eater" Ginny says, taking her seat back beside me. She wraps an arm around my shoulders, as we all look to Mrs. Weasley.

"Did anyone else see them?" Mrs. Weasley says, panic clear in her voice. I look around, before speaking up.

"I saw them disapperate after..." My voice trails off as everyone looks at me.

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