Mad Eye Moody

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I met Harry, Ron, and Hermione downstairs in the common room early the next morning. "Morning" I say as I reach all three of them. They all turn and smile to me "Morning" they say in unison. "So on to Defense Against The Dark Arts?" I ask. They all nod, and smile, except for Hermione. I wonder why she hates me so much. I think to myself. I grin to her, as she turns and heads out the door, with Ron hot on her heels. Harry lingers back with me. I look to him, suddenly getting butterflies in my stomach. "Look about last night" We say together, then slightly laugh. "Go ahead" He says. I shake my head "No you" I say, smiling. "I'm sorry I tried kissing you. I mean that was totally lame of me to do. I mean I know you dont wanna kiss me and all that, and I just felt like I was making a complete fool out of my-" I cut him off my placing my lips on his. There it was again, the electric feeling. It felt like tiny bolts of electricity going between our lips as they danced together. I pull away slightly then head for the door, blushing like crazy.


We walk into the Defence Against The Dark Arts class room before the teacher had arrived. We take a seat the the same table as Ron and Hermione. Ginny had pulled up a chair, and was in a deep conversation with Hermione, which stopped when we walked up "Hey guys" Ginny says. "Good Morning" I say to her, smiling. "You okay Harry? You look abit... peaky" She asks. We all turn to look at him, who turns a slight pink color in the cheeks. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay" He stutters. He's so adorable. I bite my lip, and look back to Ginny. She looks from him to me, then smiles really big. "So about the Ball" she turns to Hermione again "Have you got anything to wear?" She asks. Hermione nods her head excitedly. We take our seats across from them, keeping a small space between the two of us.

Hermione had showed Ginny a picture of the dress as the doors open again, and Malfoy walks in. He looks around the room, then stops when he notices me. A smile plays on his lips. "Oh boy. Here we go" murmers Ron under his breath. "Well Well, if it isnt Potter and Weasel" He says. I look from Ron to Harry, who's glaring at Malfoy. I look back to him, and look up at him. He looks down to me and smiles "Nice seeing you again, Rose" he says. "And you.." I say, not wanting to call him by his last name. "What do you want now, Draco?" Ginny asks, annoyed. He looks from me to her, then leans down, putting an elbow on her shoulder, which she brushes off quickly "Just to say hello to the famous trio" He says, smirking. Famous Trio?? I look to Harry again, and he's still glaring at Draco. "Shove off, Malfoy" Ron spits. We all look from him to Draco. Draco chuckles, shaking his head "See ya around, Rose" He says, then he makes his way back over to the table with the rest of his crew.

"Man, I really hate that guy" Ron mutters again, looking away. I look to him, as he places his chin on his sack of books. I look to Hermione who's glaring at me. I look away quickly as her and Ginny go back to talking about Hermione's dress. I look to Harry, who looks slightly ticked off. I place my hand on his knee (under the table) and his expression softens. He looks to me, and I smile to him. He smiles back and places a hand ontop of mine. "So, mate.. When's the first practice?" Ron asks Harry. I remove my hand from his knee, and place it back ontop of my lap. "Oh, ermm" Harry starts as the doors open again, an older man walks in. He has long blonde hair, thats all greasy and clumped together. Its pulled back in a low pony tail. He has a long trench coat on, revealing a white stained dress shirt and brown dress pants with rips in the kness. He has one real eye and one glass eye which is inside a socket thats wrapped around his head. "Everyone get to your seats" He murmers.

Everyone in the room quickly returns to their seats, and sits down, quietly. We all continue staring at him, watching as he makes his way up to the front of the class room. "My name's Alastor Moody. Ex- Auror, Moody" He starts. Hermione murmers something to Ron, which causes him to go slightly pale in the face. She looks to me, and I quickly look away. Ron leans over and whispers something in Harry's ear, and Harry looks back to Moody, with a confused look on his face. "Whats wrong?" I whisper. We both look to Moody, who's talking about Unforgivable Curses. I look back to Harry as he turns to me "Moody used to be a Dark Wizard Catcher. Some say he went a little crazy and they call him Mad Eye Moody. Not to mention the fact that he has a fake eye" He says, causing me to slightly giggle.

Moody turns to us, and I stop suddenly. "Mrs. Matthews" he starts. I swall the lump in my throat "Y-Yes sir.." I say. "Can you tell me one of the three Unforgivable Curses?" He asks. I start flipping through all the stuff in my head that I read over the Summer. Nothing seems to want to come to mind. "Erm... Well there's..." I start.... "Yeah, thats what I thought" He says. He turns on his heel, and starts naming off the three. Imperious Curse, Cruciotus Curse, and the Killing Curse. He writes the three on the board and everyone else writes them down on a piece of paper. I pull out my quill and a roll of parchment and also begin to copy down the three curses. He continues on lecturing about the three curses and what their spells are, also writing down all three. We all continue copying everything he writes down. I write down the last spell and stop on the last letter... The killing curse.. The one from one of my dreams... Avada Kedavra...

Sorry for the short update guys!! I've been super busy lately. But I promise to update again real soon. Probably once I get back from Christmas shopping tomorrow. You guys all set for Christmas?? Im not, lol. Anyways.. Vote/Comment.. And again, thank you all for reading this book.. It means a great deal to me. Lemme know if you all want to see anything happen in the book.. and I'll try and fit it all in somewhere :) x

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