..Piertotum Locomotor..

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"Hogwarts is threatened! Man the boundaries! Protect us!"

Arthur and I stop at the Great Hall doors, to see McGonagall and Mrs. Weasley standing at the school entrance, wands raised. I watch in astonishment as large boulders walk towards the courtyard, prepared for battle.

Everything around me was happening so fast. I could see students fighting for dear life. Ready to protect their friends and staff. Their wands were raised, ready to defend their own lives, and to protect themselves from Voldemort and his followers.

I take ahold of Arthur's hand, as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all rush over to us, worried expressions on their faces. Shortly after their arrival, Seamus Finnigan and Neville come over as well, giving us brief smiles, before going to McGonagall, talking with her on what to do.

"Boom!" McGonagall shouts, and the look on Seamus's face says it all. The glint in his eye shows that he's going to do what he does best. Blow something up. I watch as him and Neville sprint across the courtyard, and disappear into the night. I pray that they remain safe, as I look back to my group of friends.

"What now?" I ask, and Harry shakes his head, as he watches the front of the castle, prepared for battle. I've never seen him this worried before. But I knew he was scared too.

I watch outside as McGonagall, Mrs. Weasley, and many other's say the protection spell, sending small orbs into the night sky, helping to protect everyone and everything within the walls of Hogwarts.

I take out my own wand, and walk out into the courtyard with my friends following behind me. I raise my wand, closing my eyes, letting the magic slip through my fingertips, and into the night sky as the small incantation leaves my lips.

"Piertotum Locomotor"

I chant the spell over and over, listening as my friends do the same. I open my eyes, watching as a thick shield is spread all around Hogwarts, protecting us from Voldemort and the Death Eaters. I look out into the night, and can faintly see tiny specks on the covered bridge, hoping that it was Seamus and Neville.

We all continue the chant, holding onto our wands, scared that our lives might end tonight but we wouldn't go down without a fight. And thats what I promised myself. I promised that if I did die tonight, that I would die fighting for my friends and teachers. I would die for all the people that died on my court.

Harley. Dumbledore. My father. My mother. Everyone.

I turn to tell Arthur something when there's a loud BOOM heard across the grounds. I look around, but then up to see the protection spell had been broken. Everyone looked around, trying to see where the spell went wrong, but then it happened.

Bits and pieces of the charm fell onto the grounds, covering it like snow. I look up in time to see Neville and Seamus running across the covered bridge with their wands raised. The closer they got, I could see a large group of people following after them.

Not following. Chasing.

Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

I feel Arthur take my hand in his as we both grip our wands tightly.

This was it.

It was all about to end here. Once and for all.


Short chapter I know, but I promise you, its just getting started.

Enjoy! :)

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