The Lake

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After classes were finished, I hurried back to the common room and rushed up the stairs to the dormitory. I changed into my white v neck teeshirt and a pair of short blue jeans. I threw on my converse, grabbed my camera, then headed back down the stairs. I reached the portrait, as it swung open. Ginny was standing there with Dean, they both were smiling to one another and smiled when they saw me "Rose, where you off to?" They ask, eyeing my camera. "There's a meteor shower tonight" I say. "Cool. Maybe we should go and watch it too" Dean suggests. Ginny looks to him and elbows him in the side "maybe after we do what we have planned" she says, smirking to him.

I didn't need to know what they were talking about but I took that as my que to leave "Well if you all deside to come, I'll be there" I say, walking around them and leaving the common room. I raced down the flights of stairs, receiving a few stares from students and professors. I finally reach the double doors when I hear my name being called. I turn to find Ron and Hermione heading towards me. I smile to them as they approach me "What are you up to?" Ron asks, eyeing me. "Meteor shower" I say, holding up my camera. "There's still a few hours before it starts, but I wanna find a good place to watch. You guys are more than welcome to join me, if you'd like" I say.

Ron glances to Hermione, then back to me "Sure" he starts. "We will come down around sunset" he says. I smile to him "awesome" I say. I look to Hermione and she rolls her eyes, and looks away "Come on Ron, we still need to finish that paper of yours before this shower" she says, grabbing his arm and pulling him away. I wave to them then head out the doors.


The sun had finally started to set as I sat on the grass near the shore. I listened as the waves slowly crashed against the rocks. A few birds flew up above. I watched as they chased one another around then flew off. I lean back on my elbows as a dark figure approached me. I turn around and smile "Hey Harry".

He's dressed in a gray colored v neck which is short sleeved shirt, dark blue jeans, and black converse. He pushes his glasses up his nose, and smiles at me "Hey" he has his hands in the front if his pockets. "Mind if I join you?" He asks. "Sure" I say, patting at the space beside me. He smiles, then sits beside me. "How'd you know I was-" I start "Ginny" he finishes. We both laugh quietly, looking out to the lake. "It's so peaceful out here" I say, looking out to the lake.

Harry places an arm around my shoulders, and I place my head on his shoulder. This is nice. We sit there in silence, watching as the sun becomes lower in the sky. We turn back to look to one another. He smiles to me, then we both lean in slightly "Hey guys". We both separate as Ron and Hermione make their way towards us. Harry clears his throat "Hey" he waves to them. I turn and look back to the lake, smiling to myself.

I hold up my camera and focus the lens on the lake. The way it sparkles under the sun. I click the button and capture the image. "I have another place you can get a really good shot of the lake at" Harry says to me. I turn and look at him as he winks at me "Yeah". We both stand, and we start to walk away. "Where you going?" Ron asks. "Over by the tree. She wants a better image of the lake" Harry says, and I nod in agreement. Ron simply nods, and we continue on our way.
We reach the tree just as the sun sits on the lake. It's beautiful. I focus my camera on the exact spot where the sun an the water touch, and I click a few photos. It's absolutely breath taking. I put down my camera, and turn to Harry. He smiles to me and leans in to me. I smile and lean to him.

His lips were soft and warm. Our lips continued moving together as we continued our kissing. He placed his hands on my waist and I placed mine on his arms. Our kissing became more needy for one another. He backed me against the tree and my hands found his hair immediately. Our mouths slightly opened allowing our tongues to enter one another's mouths. Our tongues danced with one another as we continued to kiss. This was the best feeling in the world. Harry pulled away slightly, and rested his forehead against mine, both of us out of breath. I nuzzled my nose against his and giggled. He leans down and kisses me once more "Come on, before they get suspicious" he says. I nod, grabbing my camera, and we make our way back to the others.

We reach the others and spot Dean and Ginny sitting in the grass beside Hermione and Ron, Ginny in between Deans legs. They are looking out to the lake, playing with one another's hands. That slight ping of jealously hits me again. Harry notices and slightly elbows me. I turn and look at him and he winks to me.

"About time" says Ron as we approach them. Everyone turns to look at us "You were about to miss it" he says as we take a seat beside him and Hermione. Hermione waves her wand and three lanterns appear infront of each couple. The sky becomes dark as nightfall approaches us. We all turn our attention up. I lean against Harry as he wraps his arm around my shoulders again and we watch as the shooting stars light up the sky.

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