Authors Note Before Actual Update :)

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I just wanted to stop in and say thank you guys for reading my story/stories. It means a great deal to me! You just reading my story/stories helps me in ways that I cant even describe. Its people like you that keep a smile on my face and keep my writing. Dont ever be afraid to give me some positive/negative feedback haha. I'm still a new author and i'm slowly learning. Please dont be afraid to comment on chapters you like or message me with parts you dont understand. I'm always open for ideas. You guys dont understand how common "Writer's Block" happens to me, its unreal. Thats another reason why sometimes it takes me so long to update. Let me know things you want to see happen in my stories. Or things that might be interesting to other readers. Your favorite characters. Hell you can even rant too. Half the time when I'm writing my stories, I'm sitting here ranting to them aloud. Like in one of my stories one of the main characters was being completely stupid. I was sitting on my couch saying "God your so stupid" over and over again. And he's just a character in my head.You guys have a big impact on my life and on my stories. You guys just reading this, means the world to me. I love each and every one of you. And I hope you all continue to give me your love and support. You guys are amazing and I cant wait to share with you more of my stories and ideas. Dont be afraid to check out my other stories. They are pretty good in my opinion. Recommend me to your friends. To your parents. Anyone. Your guy's thoughts matter most to me. So I'll be the first to come to you all and ask do you like the story so far? Favorite part? Worst part? Favorite characters? Favorite lines? Answers are greatly appreciated.

Again thank you so much!!

Take Care.

Hope to hear back from you soon xxx

P.S. I'm off for a couple days so I do plan on updating alot :)

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