..A Piece of Me..

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After Harry and I had found Ginny, Ron, and Hermione, we all took a walk out onto the bridge that heads into the castle. Hermione and Ron walked side by side, their hands clasped tightly together. Ginny and Harry were walking the same way, while I walked near the edge of the bridge, stepping over broken rubble, balancing on the larger pieces.

"Still weird, isn't it?" Ron asks, and we all stop, turn and look at him.

"Whatcha on about?" I ask, looking the most confused out of us all.

"The Elder wand belonged to Draco. Draco killed its last owner. And then Voldemort got it and Draco was untouched..." Ron says, and I look down at the ground, kicking a pebble off the bridge.

"It is a bit strange.." I say, looking off into the distance.

"Do you think Draco just handed the wand over?" Hermione asks, and I hear Ginny snort beside her.

"That's not bloody likely.." Ginny says, and I look to her.

"Sorry" She says, and I shrug at her, looking to Harry.

"What do you think, Harry?" I ask, and I watch as Harry looks from me, to the wand in his hand.

"This is what I think..." Harry says, as he takes the wand in his fingers, and snaps the wand apart. Hermione and Ginny both gasp, as Harry throws each piece off the bridge. I watch him in amazement, and Ron looks as though he's just been slapped in the face.


"I know. I know. But someone had to do it. I have the cloak, and tend to keep it. The stone is somewhere lost in the Forrest. And now the wand is gone too. Now no one can try and come back like Voldemort did. Now the wizarding world will finally be at rest" Harry says, looking from all of us to the horizon in front of us.

I walk over, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. Harry looks to me, a small smile on his lips. I smile to him, before dropping my arm, but taking his hand in mine. Ginny walks over, taking his other hand, as Hermione takes my free one, and Ron takes her other one.

We stand there in silence looking out into the distance, with one thing on our mines.

We finally destroyed Voldemort. Fuck yes.


After Harry had thrown the Elder Wand off the bridge, we all headed down the walkway back towards the inside the castle, things felt different. Maybe that's because there wasn't a demonic wizard trying to kill us. Or maybe it was the adrenaline rush going throughout our bodies. All I know is that I haven't felt this happy in my entire life.

Like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I couldn't explain how I felt but I knew it was defiantly a new feeling that I wasn't used to.

Once we made it back inside the castle, things felt different. I didn't know how else to explain the feeling. Walking through the double doors, seeing everyone scattered around the Great Hall. Watching Madam Pomfrey checking on everyone to make sure they were alright. All the dead bodies had been removed and were all going to be buried on Hogwarts ground. McGongall said she wanted to make a burial ground for all the lives lost there. I thought the idea was perfect.

I watch as Hermione and Ron walk over to where Ron's family sat, Mrs. Weasley pulling them both into a tight hug. I look over to Harry and Ginny who look from each other to me. "Well, I'm going to leave you guys to talk.." Ginny says, as she brushes my arm with her hand, then leaves us to join her family. I watch Harry watch her go, complete adoration in his eyes, before he looks to me, smiling.

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