..Halloween Bash and An Unexpected Surprise..

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Today was my favorite day, Halloween. The teachers had decided to cancel classes today to set their rooms up as different scenes. Some bloddy and scary while others were funny and nice.

I woke up this morning, stretching my arms out infront of me. A small yawn escapes my mouth as I sit up, smiling at my surroundings.

Lavender and Parvati are perched on Lavender's bed, digging through small bags, with smiles on their faces. Hermione is on the bunk next to mine, with a book in her lap.

I run my fingers through my hair, in attempt to flatten it down. With a small sigh, I climb out of bed and quickly take a shower.


After I'm completely dressed in black leggings, a cream colored sweater, and my boots, I grab my wand off the bedside table and make my way down to the Great Hall for breakfast.


Once I walk into the Great Hall, a smile spreads across my lips. The Great Hall looks as though a pumpkin threw up everywhere. Floating jack-o-laterns hover above each of the tables. Candlesticks hover above the hall.

Each table is piled high with the best breakfast foods known to man kind. I stand in the entry way as a soft voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Cool, isn't it?"

I turn to see Malfoy standing beside me, with his hands in his back pockets. He's wearing dark jeans with a white v neck shirt. The shirt has a small Slytherin emblem on it, respresenting his house.

I roll my eyes and look towards the Gryffindor table. Harry and Ron are both sitting there. Ron's eating while Harry seems to be thinking he's having a conversation with him.

"I want to show you something" Malfoy says, catching my attention again. I slowly look to him as his grey eyes find mine. A small smile is tugging on his lips as he continues looking at me.

"Oh yeah, and what's that??" I ask, watching as he walks infront of me, smirking. "Meet me at the double doors at 9pm to find out, Rosie"

I watch as he turns on his heel, heading towards his house table. I roll my eyes and go over to my table.

Once I take a seat, Ron and Harry both look to me. "What's Malfoy on about?" Harry asks. I tap my glass, filling it up with tea. I take a sip, looking from Harry to Malfoy.

"Just his usual round about. Making fun of you, bashing Gryffindor house. Typical Malfoy" I lie, watching as Draco's eyes meet mine.


"I still don't see why you can't tell us where you're off to" Lavender whines as I pull on my Gryffindor scarf. I smile, as my wavy hair falls loosely around my shoulders.

"I promised I wouldn't say anything" I say, pulling on one boot, then look around for the other one. "Is it with a boy?" Lavender asks, and I give her a small laugh.

"What makes you think that?" I ask, looking under my bunk. "Just a guess" Lavender says with a huff. When I look back to her, she has her arms crossed over her chest.

"What are you looking for?" Hermione asks as she walks into the dorm. I glance to her, as I pull myself up from the floor.

"My other boot" I say, crossing my arms over my chest as Hermione crosses the room. She looks around her area, as Lavender prys me with more questions.

"I thought you didn't want a boyfriend this year? Wanted to focus on your studies instead" Lavender says, and I laugh again.

"Who said it was a guy?" I ask, pulling open my trunk and digging around inside it.

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