Just a filler.. And a plan

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"I can't believe he did that!" Hermione says, as we all sit in the Common Room. I don't remember much after we finally landed back in our time. All I know is here I sit, with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, talking about what happened. Well, Harry's talking and I'm sitting here staring into the fire, thinking about everything I just witnessed.

Snape killed my mother. How can he sit there and look me in the eye knowing what he did. How can he sit there and talk to me? How can Dumbledore sit there and not tell me? Why didn't my dad tell me? And why haven't I heard from him?

I'm quick to stand up, as I head up the stairs, and into the dormitory. I quickly jump in the shower, trying to wash off all the evidence of today. I grab the shampoo and wash my hair really well. I watch as the bubbles and suds spin around and around, going down the drain. I shake my head, before grabbing the body wash and finishing up my shower.

I'm quick to dry myself off, before heading back into the dorm to grab an outfit for the day. Since Harry and I had been through the Time Turner's time for so long, it was actually Saturday morning. Thankfully there weren't any classes today, giving me the perfect excuse to go and talk to McGonagall. I had many questions I wanted to ask her.

I grab a white dress. It was spaghetti strapped, and came to about my mid-thigh. I also grab my black leather jacket, along with a pair of dark panty hose/fish nets, and my combat boots. I grab a pair of clean under garments, and head back into the bathroom to get ready.

I throw on my clothes as quickly as possible, then comb my hair. I decided to let it air dry today. I apply light make up, before smiling at my reflection and leaving the bathroom, grabbing my wand along the way. I look around one last time at the room, before closing the door behind me, heading down to the Common Room, and out the portrait hole.


"So, you and Harry used the Time Turner and you went back and saw what?" McGonagall says, looking shocked. I roll my eyes, as I pace in front of her desk. I have my arms crossed over my chest, as my boots squeak against the floor beneath them. "We saw not only my mother and father but.." I stop pacing, looking directly at her.

"I also saw Snape kill my mother... Do you want to tell me what the hell that was all about?" I say, anger boiling in my veins. McGonagall stares at me, as though I've grown another head. "What on earth are you talking about? Snape didn't kill-" I roll my eyes, scoffing a bit at her.

"He killed her. I saw it with my own eyes. Harry did too" I say, feeling the tears threatening to escape. "He wouldn't do such a thing" McGonagall says, and I roll my eyes again. "You only think that because he's a spy for the Order" I say, shaking my head.

"How did you know about that?" McGonagall asks, and I smirk a bit. "I was with the Weasley's all last summer. I've been living with them. He was there at every meeting. He wouldn't say anything to me, but we would make brief eye contact" I say, rolling my eyes again.

"Well, I believe Severus Snape has changed and is part of a greater team than he was before" McGonagall says, causing me to laugh. "Are you serious? He's a Death Eater for christ sakes" I say, just as the double doors to his office open, and Severus Snape himself comes billowing in.

"Matthews" Snape says, before looking to McGonagall. "Professor, you need to come. Umbridge... She's just... Come" Snape, speechless, that's a first. I quickly look to McGonagall, as she rises from her desk, looking at me.

"We will talk later" She says, giving me a brief nod. I nod to her, and watch as she exists her office with Snape following closely behind her. I smile to myself, before following after them.


"You can't keep doing this. You can't keep pressuring students and trying to get information out of them that you know they shouldn't say" McGonagall says as I reach the hallway, right out side the Great Hall. McGonagall and Umbridge are standing on the staircase, arguing with one another. I look around, spotting Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, and George all standing near the front of the large group that has came out to watch the argument.

"Actually Minerva, I can" Umbridge says, as I walk past them, and stand with my friends. I turn back around, looking up at the teachers fighting. "As you well know, I am the new Headmistress of Hogwarts, and I plan on taking immediate action. Things are much worse than they appear. Now Dumbledore has fled, his army has been caught.." She pauses, looking down at the seven of us, as we all roll our eyes at her.

"Cornelius will want me to take immediate action. Starting tonight. After dinner, everyone will return to the Great Hall, and we will discuss what all needs to happen" Umbridge says, as she takes a step up, then turns on her heel, and clicks her way up the Grand Staircase.

McGonagall rolls her eyes, before turning back to us. "Go back to your studies" She says, shaking her head, before she goes through the group of students and into the Great Hall. I look to my friends, biting my lip.

"What are we going to do?" Harry says, and Ron shrugs. "We can't do anything but do as she says" Hermione says, this time causing Ginny to nod with her. I look to George who seems to me lost in thought. He's got a plan. I can feel it.

"I'm going to the Great Hall for lunch, I'm starving" Ron says, as he heads down through the double doors. "Yeah, I'll join him" Harry says. Hermione nods, as she follows behind Harry, with Ginny at her side. I look back to the twins, as they smile to one another.

"What do you have planned?" I say, eyeing them suspiciously. George looks to Fred, who looks to me. "Oh, just a few things. We have a few things we want to do tonight.. To get things really... Heating" Fred says, smirking. George smirks too, using their twin telepathy. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, whatever it is.. I want to be apart of it" I say, smirking at the two of them. My smirk grows when they look to me, their eyes the size of fish bowls. "No. You could get kicked out of school" Fred says, and George nods. "I don't care. I want to be apart of this. So, what can I do to help?" I say, and George looks to Fred.

I look to Fred as well, as he nods once to George. I smile at him, before looking back to George. "Okay, first things first, meet us back at the main courtyard at sundown.. Come alone. And bring Harry's cloak"


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