Gratuitous Tension

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I think the last chapter with just Uma, Harry, and (y/n) was "An Unlikely Friendship"/"The Confession" back in Shiver Me Timbers! Crazy, it's been a while - I love the dynamics in this group, especially between Harry and Uma... 

Your POV

I picked up my phone and dialled Uma's number. She picked up almost instantly. "Hey Uma, where are you?"

"I was just finishing up some work in the library, where are you?"

"In our room."

"Oh, I just figured you would be with Johnny."

"No, I don't know where he is. You should come over! You don't have anywhere else to be, right?"

"Nah, I'm free, I'm on my way right now."

"Perfect." I hung up. "Harry, sit down next to me here, and don't say anything when she comes in." He came over quietly, and we both waited for her in silence. I pretended to be working as she came in.

"Heyy, Uma!" I smiled as she walked in.

"Hi." She still seemed under the weather from the week's events.

"Where's Harry?"

"Oh, I'm not sure - were you expecting him to come with me?" Good, she can't see him.

"Well, maybe."

"I know he misses you, a lot."

"I know." I glanced at him for a split second before returning my attention to Uma. "Misses me, how?" Might as well make this interesting...

"Oh, I notice little things - and then some not so little things." She laughed. "I've caught him doodling your name all over his remedial goodness notes."

I giggled. "Go on, please." Harry was not enjoying this as much as we did, and his cheeks turned a rosy pink.

"He stole your golden pen - well, I shouldn't say stole, but he's not here anyway - and when I asked him "why?", he said because it reminded him of you."

I gasped. "That's my diary pen! I noticed it was missing..."

"Well, now you know who has it - it's a good thing he didn't open the drawer though." She joked. That's where I keep my diary.

"And he won't." I indirectly announced for Harry. "He probably couldn't get in if he tried anyway."

She grinned. "You're right. There's something else too - I overheard him speaking with Kai the other day."

"Really? What'd he say?"

"Well, he was going on and on about how perfect you are, and in turn, Kai was talking about Maya. But then Kai asks Harry if he ever gets bored around you - something like when you know someone and are so comfortable with them, don't you ever want something, or rather someone, new and exciting?"

My heart sped up, and when I tried to look at Harry's expression, he was looking away. Maybe he shouldn't have been here for this... "That's... a weird thing to talk about."

"Auradon. I think it's messing with Kai's head - I hope he isn't planning on leaving Maya."

"Kai could never!"

"I bet he won't, I'm just telling you what I got out of that conversation. Anyway, Harry's response was so cute. I know he can seem distant at times, and he does have a tendency to annoy people." Huh, I've never noticed either in him... "-but he's totally in love with you. I'll paraphrase his part, I probably couldn't say it as eloquently as he did, but this was his response:" She cleared her throat and sat up straight. "Kai, I've never been bored when I'm with (y/n)."

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