Knotted Hearts

147 3 8

Your POV

Harry always did have a tendency for dramatics.

The instant I parted my lips from his, the formerly resting pirate sprung up with a gasp fit to shock any. One that certainly stopped the heart of his princess.

"My, Harry, are you alright?" I took his face tight between my hands, fearful that something had gone terribly wrong, something we could have never predicted.

He took a moment to reply, assessing the situation on the rooftop before falling into a relieved smile. "Everything's fine, princess." And then, catching me in an embrace which meant the world, "Everything is perfectly fine."

"Um, I wouldn't speak so soon, Harry." Uma's voice came through clear as Cinderella's glass slipper.

"What is it?" I stood up, fighting the blood rush it gave me, and walked over to the ledge of the rooftop where both she and Johnny peered.

"Does anyone else feel that... vibration?" Harry looked down, noticing tiny cement particles shifting on the ground.

My breath hitched when Uma turned my head from Harry to the coastline, the same coastline Harry and I had flown over that day we used the pixie dust. "No... that can't be..."

Harry came running over, still not seeing what we were all fixed on. Then with a gasp, not as dramatic as his last one but all the more worried, he saw it. "Guys, I know I'm the son of crazy Captain Hook and our family isn't quite immune to delusions, but that mass heading towards Auradon - that's Motunui, isn't it?"

"Brilliant, mate, you got it." Johnny, sounding like himself, muttered with friendly sarcasm to his former friend. I looked at him, for a second forgetting the problem at hand, wondering if Johnny was truly back to being himself. When his eyes met mine though, he just averted his gaze with an awkward shuffle of his feet.

"What are we going to do?" Uma pressed, and for once, my mind didn't even try to find an answer. What could be done about an entire island rushing towards our home?

"Uma, couldn't you turn into an octopus and stop it or something?" Harry seemed to believe this would really work.

"You tryna kill your captain, Harry?" Uma squinted her eyes at him. "It would take a thousand sea witches to stop an island of that size, coming here at that speed. It's impossible."

"So we just..." I looked to my friends, helpless.

Johnny parted his lips. "Brace ourselves."

"Breaking the curse was a good thing, nothing bad can come from it, right?" My words came out faster and faster - just like the advancements of the luscious island.

"Who votes for grabbing Carpet and getting out of here?" Harry smiled nervously, and I really did consider it for a second. "Heh, just joking." He went on stammering, "Not really heroic, I suppose."

"What happens to some us, happens to all of us," I said the words, though I truthfully didn't see the point in the clause. "Distinctions were what got everyone into this Isle-Auradon mess in the first place, weren't they?"

Everyone responded with muffled agreements, but I knew we were all just scared.

Scared of losing what we had just fought to have.

The vibrations now turned to uncontrollable shakes, and it was barely possible to hear anything. We all instinctively moved back to the opposite end of the rooftop, leaning against the wall - none of us able to bring ourselves to sit down and miss the action. Whatever it was, we needed to see it happen.

Full Sail Ahead [Harry Hook X Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن