✨ Smut ✨

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Fandom: Danganronpa
Ship: Makoto x Byakuya
Theme: His Secret | Non-Despair AU
Requested by: MonoKumaaaa!!...maybe.

( Makoto is a goody-two-shoes at this prestigious college — the most admired student, Byakuya Togami, takes an interest to Makoto — Byakuya is the top)

Makoto's POV

My name is Makoto Naegi, and I was accepted to this prestigious school on a whim. My parents aren't rich, and honestly we live an average life, but since I had really good grades, I was somewhat able to be accepted! I won't say I'm exactly happy with this circumstance, if anything it just made me a huge target of bullying...or so I thought.

Yeah, I get a lot of death glares and a lot of whispers due to everyone already knowing I'm "different" but I try my best to ignore it. The most richest man in this building is a man named Byakuya Togami, and sadly he and I have the same college course, so I feel extra terrible going to class. Today, I decided to get to class earlier than usual. So I waltzed into class, only to find Byakuya was the first one there.

I didn't want to just leave, but I also didn't want to go near him. Just looking at him makes me anxious, but I gulped it up and bravely walked over to my desk. As I sat in my desk, which was in front of him, I can feel his eyes on me. That and I heard the newspaper he was reading crumple down, so I know his eyes are locked on me. I sat still, afraid to move or breathe. Oh god am I gonna die?

"You.", Byakuya said sternly. I was too afraid to move, so he huffed and got up from his seat and stood in front of me. "Hey, it's rude to just ignore someone when they are talking to you.", Byakuya said as he glared at me. I gulped, a huge rush of anxiety leaped from my chest, "S-sorry sir.." I softly spoke as i turned my head down, avoiding eye contact, if I could. He sighed and spoke again.

"Either way, you're not one of us, correct?", he said with a monotoned voice. It was as if he was trying to place me lower than he was, like I'm nothing but a poor little boy. "I-I'm not rich, yeah..", i sheepishly spoke. He scoffed, "that's not what I meant. I'm not talking about money, I'm talking about having emotions." My eyes widened, and I looked up at him. Our eyes interlocking, "Wh..what?" My voice cracked as I said that.

"You're kind and nice to ruthless and greedy men like us, why?", Byakuya asked. I turned my head down and thought of an answer, "well, despite your guys' status, we're all human. You may be rich, and might be mean, but I think deep down your not all bad.." I turned my head upward, staring at Byakuya. He looked at me, trying to process what I said. Byakuya's eyes then avoided me as he sighed, "you're an odd one, Naegi."

And with that, he just turned back to his desk, continuing to read his newspaper. Speaking of Newspapers, who the hell still reads Newspapers? Like..we have electronic devices, jeez..what is he? A grandpa?

Byakuya's POV

Naegi. That boy, is weird. "We're all human"...those words echoed through my head the whole day before and after class. It was annoying, but also made me think, hard. Are we really the same age? I honestly want to believe otherwise. As class ended, he panicked as he hurriedly tried to place all his stuff back into his bag, and scurried out of the classroom.

He's annoying. Always biting his pencils or thumb, always meekly raises his hand and says the answer. Groans and whines a lot, same thing with scratching his head. All and everything about him annoys me, it's all improper and disrespectful, also pitiful. I sigh as I cautiously and carefully placed my items back into my bag and casually walked out of the classroom. As I walked I saw Naegi pacing around, on the phone.

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