✨ Smut ✨

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Fandom: South Park
Ship: Kyle x Stan
Theme: Winter / Near Christmas [but not for Kyle lmao]
Requested by: Anonymous
(Stan always loved contrasts and would like to incorporate it in sex lives, which Kyle wanted a similar thing — Kyle is in full winter gear, and walks into Stan naked — Stan is bottom )

Stan's POV

It was a cold winter day and I didn't want to go outside and hang out with my friends. Not only was my winter clothes in the laundry, prepping to be washed, I was also going through a very hard time with hanging out with the rest. Every time I hung out with them, it seemed the rest were growing distant from me, except for one; Kyle. The more and more me and Kyle hung out, the more I started to think about him more. I was lying in my old room when I used to live with my parents, for vacation.

The other groups too did the same, we all came back to South Park to say hello to our parents, and spend our 2 week break here. I sighed as I looked out the window of my old bedroom and see the girls making snowman, Token's group joining with the girls, but no sign of my group. As I was staring out the window, I hear my door creak open. It was my father, "Hey, me and your mom will be out all night. It's our anniversary. Are you going to be okay staying here?", he asked in a sort of worrisome tone.

I nodded my head and gave my father a reassuring smile. "Alright, don't forget to lock the doors before bedtime", my father added before closing the door. I sighed and closed the curtains that hung near the window, then got up to go to the kitchen. Walking down the stairs and it was completely quiet, "mom and dad already left, huh?", I thought as I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal. As I picked the green and orange bowl, it reminded me of Kyle.

My face was flushed with a soft tint of pink as I thought of him. I shook my head and poured in the milk and cereal for me to eat, and then strolled on over to the TV. As I was watching my favorite shows, suddenly a commercial for condoms popped up. "How convenient", I harshly whispered to myself and then turned off the TV. I picked up the phone I had in my pocket and scrolled through photos of me and my friends. Soon, I stumbled across a photo of me and Kyle. We looked so happy, as we took each other's hand and glided across the ice rank.

I remember that day, it was freshman year of high school. It was the last year we all hung out together cause after that year, Kenny moved to a different school, and Cartman followed suit. Kyle was in different classes, mainly AP classes. While I was going through my emo phase, and my grades were lowering. I pushed Kyle away that next year, and the year after that. Senior year, Cartman and Kenny came back due to different reasonings. I was back to normal, but Kyle was still distant.

Eventually, me and Kyle got into the same collage, and Cartman came with us. But Kenny was too poor to get to the same collage as us, but we all took turns trying to hang out with him as much as possible, and we still do. I chuckled and placed my phone down onto the couch beside my now empty bowl. My mind kept thinking about Kyle, and my face started to heat up. Of course, no one knew that I liked both girls and boys, but that wasn't the point. I looked up at the ceiling and a sudden urge came my way.

I don't know why, but it was hot in this room, so I turned down the temp just a tad, but it still wasn't enough. I stripped myself, taking all my clothes off and took a big sigh of relief. Slightly aroused from thinking about Kyle, I decided to play with myself a little bit. I gave myself a handjob and was slowly drifting asleep. I was softly moaning Kyle's name over and over, until I heard the main door open. My eyes shot open and I looked at who was in front of me, Kyle. Embarrassed, I picked up my underwear and pants and booked it to my room.

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