✨ Smut ✨

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Ship: Craig x Kenny
Theme: College AU | Cheaters
Requested by: One of the Emo students at my school (Anon)

( Craig is unhappy with his relationship with Tweek, and Kenny is unhappy with his relationship with Butters — Craig and Kenny Hook up — Kenny is obviously the top)

Craig's POV

I sighed as me and Tweek were on the couch, watching a documentary on animals. "Why do we have to watch this again, Tweek?", I ask unenthusiastically. He chuckled, "B-because! I'm studying how animals b-behave. I-I'm trying to become a Vet, r-remember?", Tweek said as he took a sip of his coffee. I put my head on top of his head and hummed. "Oh right..it was a total shock to me that you wanted to be a vet.", I said. He smiled and placed his hands on top of mine. "Y-yeah, a lot of p-people thought so too.", he stated. "Why did you want to be a vet?", I asked him with a slight sarcastic tone.

He twitched and bit his lip as he spoke, "I-I remember wh-when Stripe died. Y-you were s-so sad...a-and I wanted to b-be able to help an-animals cause the way S-stripe d-died was t-too sa-..sad." I took a big sigh as I remembered Stripes death. It was both petrifying, sad, but also a bit relieving. Not in a weird good way as if I never loved or cared for Stripe, but because I believed Stripe lives a wonderful and fulfilling life. I had a slight smile from thinking about it.
Tweek's twitching is what pulled me back into reality. I looked at Tweek and he apologized for bumping my chin.

I rolled my eyes and said it was okay. He calmed down afterwards, and we continued watching the documentaries. And that's all we ever did. Wake up, eat breakfast, drive Tweek to his college, drive back home, sleep or study for my college work, get a text from Tweek to pick him up, pick Tweek up, watch documentaries for Tweek's college, make dinner, and then go to bed. It was the same, repetitive things. We never even had sex because of Tweek not being ready yet. Things got boring quick. I sighed, wishing for something new...

Kenny's POV

Butters was also learning to become a vet, working alongside Tweek. The two of them are so wholesome and innocent, it's kinda annoying. Fantasizing them cheating on Craig and I doesn't help at all. They're literally so adorable I can't see that ever happening. I roll my eyes as Butters examines the bunnies at the pet shop. "Awww hello there little feller! I'm not gonna hurt you, just gonna make a chart about you!", Butters said giggling at the end. I honestly don't understand why Butters wants me to tag along with him to pet shops. The first time was adorable, but doing this over 26 times makes things tiring.

As Butters examines the bunny, I take a seat on a chair. I sigh and think about Craig's relationship with Tweek. Normally Butters rants to me during our walk to the pet shop about them. It's become a normal natural thing that occurs. I sigh and bite my lip and look at my contact lists while I waited. My eyes light up when I see Craig's number was on my phone. "Oh...?", I said with a suave voice. I clicked the number and called it. "Hello..?", a raspy voice said on the other line. I chuckled, "Craig! It's me, Kenny! Remember me?"

There was a small pause, "...Sorry, I had to get out of the bedroom. Anyways, I remember you, why are you asking?" I smiled, "Hey! So how's your relationship with Tweek going! Anything new or exciting?" He sighed deeply and groaned, "No. we haven't even...you know..done it yet." My eyes widened and I scoffed, "what?! Really??? You're kidding me, that HAS to be a lie." I was in disbelief, but then again, I shouldn't have been that shocked. "What about you? Have you and Butters done it yet?", Craig asked. A small pause froze the air. "...no.", I softly spoke.

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