Chapter 40

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Dedicated to zoeybird33 for being so persistent about me updating. I'll try to update sooner this time. Sorry.

Also dedicated to amywalker0786 for loving this book so much that you read it more than once.

I love that you guys love my book.

Sorry about the late update I've been busy with school and trying to get straight A's. I'll try to update sooner.

Lover you guys!

Vote and comment what you think!



I start pounding my stomach in an awkward self heimlich maneuver.

Choking on your own spit isn't fun. Not at all.

"Why would you bring twinkies? Were you even planning on sharing them with me? Sharing is caring, Steel." Gavin rambles on and on while I struggle to breathe.

I pound my stomach with one hand and clutch my throat with the other.

"Gavin," I mouth, unable to make air even come out of my lips.

I start pounding into his shoulder with my fist while clutching my throat. Why was he still talking? I'M DYING HERE!!!

"Wait, you weren't thinking about going to The Hunt, were you?" Gavin asks, his eyes widening and completely oblivious to my flailing limbs. "Oh, Steel. No no no no. This isn't happening, I won't let you have any false hope. Nope. This is going bye bye."

Gavin rolls down his window and chucks the backpack out of it, and my heart lurches.

I dive towards the backpack too late, and land with my upper body out of the window my hand outstretched in the air.

I bow my head as the breath is forcibly pushed out of my lungs from pressing my stomach into the rim of the window.

"Steel! Are you crazy?!" Gavin starts to tug my limp body into the car.

He takes one look at my face and his eyes are the size of grapefruit.

"Your face is purple!!" Gavin yells. "What's wrong?!"

I am going to kill him.

He starts pathetically patting my back.

I send him an irritated look, and then he smacks my back so hard I tasted blood in my mouth.

I suck in hair greedily.

I shove him away and then breath for a while, savoring the feeling of air sooth my burning lungs.

"You okay now?" A voice whispers from close to me . . . really close.

I open my eyes and Gavin's are an inch from mine.

"YOU IDIOT!!!" I say, and whack him upside the head. "YOU ALMOST GOT ME KILLED!"

"Hey, you're the one who choked on your own spit." Gavins says, grinning ear to ear. Acting like nothing happened.

"You," I say, pointing a finger accusingly at him, but I know he had me there. And he knew it too by the way his grin stretched impossibly. It almost took up all of his face. "Shut up."

I cross my arms and lean back against the seat, just breathing.

A sudden thought has me grabbing Gavin by the collar of his shirt and shaking him.

"Where is chad." I ask, my eyes pooling black, and my wolf is a frenzy making my claws snap out and nick Gavin on his neck.

"Hey! You cut me!" Gavins says, touching his cut, and pulling his hand back to inspect the blood.

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