Chapter 29

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Chapter Dedicated to Jashinrules.

I love reading your comments, so keep on telling me what you think. I love feedback. ;D

Will dedicate future Chapters for awesome fans. ___________________________________________________________________

*Alex's POV*

"Mix." I command, setting a bowl in front of a zombie looking Gavin.

And here I was thinking I had made progress with his cold shower out in the yard during winter. I guess, not.

I sigh, and grit my teeth. I roughly shove a big, metal spoon into Gavin's limp hand, and plop it into the mixing bowl.

I lean against the counter just looking at a paralyzed Gavin.

I am losing my patience here.

"Look, bucko. It's been eleven months." I spit out, leaning forward.

I glower into his eyes, becoming angry quickly.

"Eleven full months, I've let you have your space," I say, holding my hands up to show how I backed off.

He just sits there like stone.

I sigh, and make my way over to sit next to Gavin's body.

"Look, Gavin. I know this is hard, but I'm not asking much," I say, trying to retain some patience.

I pick Gavin's hand that is still wrapped limply around the spoon up, and guide it in circles.

"All you got to do is, move your wrist in circles like this, and if you're extra good, I'm sure you can sneak in a taste before Susan snatches the-Ah!" I shout in shock as Gavin rips his hand out of mine harshly.

"I don't want to mix your stupid batter," Gavin spits. "I don't want to bake some idiot a cake. I don't want to sit here, I don't want to-"

"Oh, let me guess," I say, lifting my hand up. "You want to take a couple good drags on a cheap gas station cigarette. You want to go down to the bar, and keep ordering drink after drink that you know you can't afford. You want to just fall asleep and not wake up in the morning." I tick my list off on my fingers.

Gavin is still seething, but who cares.

"Yeah, your mate rejected you, boo hoo," I say, putting both my hands up and leaning side to side in a mocking gesture.

Gavin growls at me, and his claws come out.

"Oh, did I upset you? Go run and tell your bottle of Jack," I say venomously.

I narrow my eyes at Gavin when a snarl tears through him and his fangs elongate.

"Well, look at them pearly whites," I say teasingly. "Where have those been these past eleven months, eh?"

Gavin's clenches his hands into fists, drawing blood.

Well, I guess anger is better than nothing.

Gavin leans in, and growls verociously in my face, his spit flying in my scrunched up face, and my hair blowing back from his breathe.

Thank God he brushed his teeth.

I feel my wolf get angry because he is threatening us.

I let my teeth elongate, and my claws snap out. I lean in to him too, and let out a growl that shakes the entire house, and the pans clatter around noisily. The windows vibrate, and the cabinet doors open and close as they shake.

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