Chapter 2

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«Alex's POV»

I put my bag in Jake's sport car's trunk bitterly since all of the other cars are full. I had finished packing over twenty minutes ago, but I stalled some time arguing with Alpha Tyler about leaving my duffel bag unguarded in Jake's car. Obviously, I lost that argument. Dumb Alphas.

After closing the trunk, I turn around to look at Jake. "Listen Jake," I say dead serious, "If I even smell your scent on my belongings in my bag, I will rip your eyes out, and shove them down your throat. That way, you can watch as I rip your intestines from inside your body. Understood?" I threaten. I don't bother sticking around for his answer. I turn an my heel, and stomp away dramatically.

I walk over to my baby. Oh how I love this bike. I kick start her, and take off after Alpha Tyler's truck. I ride behind him so that I can back him up in case of a surprise Rogue attack. Plus, being the Pack Warrior kind of entails for me to ride behind him during road trips.

I can feel Jake's eyes staring daggers at me. I adjust my rear view mirror, and sure enough the prick has the nerve to glare at me while I'm not looking. What a coward.

I wink playfully at him when we catch eyes in my mirror because I know it will annoy him. I can hear his growl even though the wind as it whips through my ears and hair. I laugh loudly because it's just so much fun to annoy him. If I am being completely honest, I would say that if I were like other girls in my pack then I totally would've been in love with Jake. He is really handsome, but he is such jerk that it completely ruins his appeal for me.

I roll my eyes thinking about how he sleeps with a different girl practically every night. It's just disgusting really. Not to mention his oversized ego. I really hope Jake's mate isn't here for her own sake. And to think this idiot is going to be Alpha soon. It's just sad.

I am not looking forward to that.

I hear a twig snap in the bushes that frame the side of this run down road, and a disgusting smell swirls in my nostrils almost making me vomit.


Suddenly, I abandon my baby, and jump high into the air while still driving to meet a Rogue that pounced at Alpha Tyler's car. As I am airborne, I can hear my motorcycle crashing and scrapping against the cement road.

It hurts to listen. I'll make it up to you, I promise my poor baby.

I phase quickly with a series of bones breaking and muscles multiplying. I slash the throat of the brown Rogue who was snapping his jaws at me, and get his filthy blood splattered all over my pure white coat.


I phase back into my human form standing in a puddle of our combined blood with my clothes on. When I look down to inspect myself, I see that I have a claw mark on my stomach. The scratch shredded through my jacket, and shirt to the skin underneath. I am bleeding heavily, and it is flowing sticky and warm down my pants.

"Shoot." I mutter under my breath. That's going to leave a nasty scar, plus I really liked this outfit. I glance over my shoulder back to the road to make sure everyone is okay. The others have parked their cars and are looking at me.

The hairs prick up at the back of my neck suddenly, and I am tackled to the ground painfully. The disgusting scent of Rogues fill my nose, and I flip onto my back. I see a grey wolf is standing over me raising his huge paw with his claws out. I can tell he is planning on shredding me, so I phase in record time.

I kick him off just as his paw is coming down with my hind legs. He is thrown back to the other side of the wide road.

I scramble to my feet, and see a grey wolf twice my size lower himself close to the ground, and get ready to sprint at me. I glance around me to take in my surroundings.

I'm not going to win this battle with force. He's too big. I'm going to have to use my amazing battle skills.

I notice that the ground is wet from last night's light shower of rain. It is perfect to slide on.

The gray wolf captures my attention with a snarl. I growl at the grey wolf wishing my tail back and forth.

He charges at me powerfully, but I wait patiently. I watch all of his movements with a logical gaze- assessing his movements. Almost as if time slows down I wait for the perfect timing.

As he springs upwards I leap towards him, allowing my coiled muscles to spring me forward jet fact at him ,and I shift back into my human form with a series of breaking bones.

I slide under him on my side making myself muddy, and I make claws take the place of my human fingernails. I shove it into the Rogue's stomach and twist it around painfully. With a pained yelp the gray wolf collapses on top of my body.

I lie there for a while catching my breath until I can hear an ear splitting howl. It's my Alpha-Alpha Tyler

Are you okay? Alpha Tyler mind-links me. His voice is laced with worry.

Get. Him. Off. Of. Me. I snarl, annoyed with this filthy Rogue's crushing weight. I am still in human form, and I am weak so I decide to wait here for a while until I can catch my breath.

I can hear alpha Tyler chuckling at my discomfort. Sometimes that man is just cruel, I pout childishly.

I suddenly sense the pounding of feet in the ground under my back as it vibrates, and a strong stench of Rogues comes to my nose even under this dead weight. I can tell there's about 25 of them, and we came with only the pack members who are going to the Mating Ceremony, and participating in The Hunt.

Let me tell you, not all of the werewolves coming with us are good fighters. They are greatly outnumbered and not to mention they lack out in field experience.I can already tell my pack won't win the fight without me. I might not want to go to the Mating Ceremony, but my pack should be able to have a chance at finding their soul mate.

I growl suddenly angry and determined. I kick the body that was laying on top of me about 60 feet into the air.

I flip onto my stomach animalistically  in a crouched position facing the road and send the Rogues my best intimidating grow while shifting into my pure white wolf-my soft, white coat now drenched in blood.

The hair running along my spine is standing up, and my muscles are coiled to spring.

Update: Turns out there's about 40 Rogues.

I miscalculated because of the disgusting Rogue laying on top of me and blocking my senses.

Anyway, being the wusses that they are, about 20 Rogues run away from my violent eyed stare.

They run back into the woods whimpering and their tails tucked between their legs in submission.

I look around and the rest that are left make a ring around me. There are still 25 left, so I guess I was more or less right anyways.

I snarl and swish my tail, daring them to come closer.

I can sense Alpha Tyler struggling to keep the rest of the pack from interfering.

The Rogues crouch to attack, and I growl menacingly.

I let my wolf have full control just as the first Rogue leaps for my throat.

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