Chapter 6

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Why does the sun have to be so bright? I groan, and pull my covers over my head.

"She's awake?" Someone asks. Their voice is raw with surprise and shock . . . Maybe even a little fear somewhere in there.

"Oh my god, someone get the doctor!" I hear a scream. Suddenly, the room is loud with people talking/yelling, and I feel swollen around my throat. It feels weird to breath. It feels like I'm breathing through an old, dusty windpipe.

"It's a miracle." A nurse yells shoving an oxygen mask on my nose. I growl softly at her; I hate these things.

"Her heart stopped over a minute ago." Someone else says from across the room. My heart stopped?

"You didn't think you were going to get rid of me that easily did you?" I say raspily, I make sure that I have a smirk on my face. I don't even sound like myself. I sound like some old perverted man. Ugh, this sucks balls.

"Don't speak, you're windpipes are in critical condition." The doctor scolds, but she is laughing slightly.

"She's a stubborn one." I hear a male laugh as someone walks out the door in my room. I wince when the door swings shut with a click that echos in my ears. I groan in pain. Major migraine.

"Can we get some color in here? Like, man my eyes are burning." I say ignoring the doctor's warning.

The nurses laugh, and someone even falls on the floor, which makes everyone burst into laughter all over again.

"You come back from the dead, and the first thing you want is for the room to not be white?" A male sputters out between fits of laughter.

I cross my arms, and pout like a child. I realise something. "I was dead?" I ask, and the doctor nods seriously. "And I came back?" I ask, and again she nods. "Dang it!" I say pulling on the roots of my hair.

Everyone jerks back in surprise. They look at me like have gone completely mental.

"Now I have to go to the Mating Ceremony!" I say throwing my hands everywhere frustrated. "And The Hunt!" The whole room is silent until everyone starts laughing, and they are slipping over each other and knocking things over which makes them laugh even more.

"What the hell is going on here?" Alpha Tyler walks in angry with red bloodshot eyes, and tear stained cheeks.

"Sh-sh-sh-she's sa-saying," The doctor starts, but can't even finish before bursting out laughing again, making everyone laugh harder.

Alpha Tyler's dead eyes look at me, and I pout at him sitting up. Why was he crying?

Alpha Tyler's eyes widen in shock, and next thing I know I am flat on my back on my bed with a weeping Alpha crying into me. He is holding onto me so tightly, almost like he feels like if he lets go I will disappear.

"Don't ever scare me like that again," he weeps, and I run my fingers through his tufts of hair comfortingly.

"Shhh. It's okay, I'm here now." I say soothingly. Eventually, Alpha Tyler's sobs die down, but his grip doesn't lighten.

"When the doctor came, and told us you were dead . . . Everyone went berserk. I couldn't control them because it was like a part of me had died with you. Jake was all over the place, yelling and trying to piece everyone together, but they just cried and ran. Gavin started breaking windows, and Susan nearly stabbed herself until Hunter grabbed her and held her down. It was a mess." Alpha Tyler's voice breaks at the end.

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