Chapter 8

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«Alex's POV»

"Alright everyone! Listen up!" I hear a booming voice shout. I look up and see a mountain of a man trying to quiet the room down. No one seems to care as they keep on talking.

How rude.

The guy on stage needs to become more firm, or at least earn some respects before walking up onto the stage and demanding attention. I hopped onto the stage as it seems the guy needs some help.

"Shut up! Listen up before I go down there and rip your tongue out of your mouth!" I growl menacingly, and the room goes dead silent. Everyone is shaking with fear of me. "Go on,"

I say politely to the large man standing next to me.

"Thank you, uh . . ." his eyes trail up and down my body. Ew, gross old man checking me out.


I immediately regret helping him out . I have to be polite to him though because Alpha vibes are radiating off of him in waves.

"The name's Steel." I say holding my small hand out for him to shake grinning crookedly at him even though the last thing I want to do is touch him.

"Alpha Omar." he booms clasping my hand roughly. I squeeze it once to warn him and send him a warning glare through my eyes. He laughs at me.

He actually has the nerve to laugh at my glare.

Well then.

"You have quite the personality. I think we'll get along just fine." He says grinning down at me with a glint in his eye.

EW EW EW EW! I resist the urge to vomit all over his face since I kind of want my food to stay in my stomach.

My yummy food won't taste as good coming back out.

I open my mouth to reply back with a retort, but a familiar voice cuts in.

"Settle down, Omar. This one is mine," Alpha Tyler drapes an arm around my shoulders protectively.

I roll my eyes at his gesture. It's so like protective Alphas to be possessive about what is theirs. Alpha Omar releases my hand finally, and winks at me.

I growl ferociously back glaring daggers at him. Ugh, he disgusts me.

"She is a keeper," Alpha Omar winks at me, and I feel my cheeks heat up with a dark blush. Is he insinuating what I think he is?

Alpha Tyler growls and tucks me behind him to hide me from sight. Usually, I would resist, but I don't mind now since I'm pretty sure my whole face is tomato red.

How embarrassing.

"Tyler, Omar knock it off. We need to move on," Alpha David says, shaking his head at both of them. However, his eyes are trained on Alpha Omar in a warning to back off.

"See you, Sweet Cheeks," Alpha Omar says.

He winks at me once, making me frustrated before striding off of the stage. Alpha Tyler growls, and marches me off the stage in the opposite direction.

I let my long red and brown hair fall like a curtain to shield me from the audience's stare.

I take a seat at the Alpha table, and glance up to see Jake smirking down at me. I narrow my eyes at him.

What does he want now?

Seems like you've got an admirer. Jake teases through our mind-link. He just can't help himself can he? I mentally sigh.

Don't start with me, I warn with a growl.

I never knew you rolled like that, Steel. If you really want to do it Alpha style, maybe we could meet up sometime. Jake's brown eyes darken with lust.

I kick his chair out from under him, and he goes face first into the ground painfully with a surprised yelp.

Jake glares at me with black angry eyes, but I just stick my tongue out at him childishly.

That's what you get, you little pervert.

I smirk as he sits back in his chair. I see him glance at Alpha Tyler.

Alpha Tyler sends me a warning look, and I smile innocently.

Behave, please. Alpha Tyler mind-links me with a tired expression.

No promises. I say grinning cheekily at my Alpha. Alpha Tyler rolls his eyes at me, and returns to his previous conversation.

He's talking to a handsome boy who looks like he's 19. I do a double take. Woah, can someone say hottie! The guy talking to Alpha Tyler has raven black hair that he flicks out of his steel grey eyes from time to time.

I feel something cold and wet hit my cheek, and my head snaps towards Jake.

Jake is whistling innocently while twirling a straw in his fingers.

He spit a spit ball at me?!

I growl at him menacingly, before tipping a tall glass of water onto his lap. He squeals as he jumps up, and tries brushing the water from his pants.


I turn back to the handsome stranger from earlier while wiping my cheek with my sleeve,

but he's gone.

What the?

I look around surprised.

"You lose something?" Gavin asks coming up behind me.

"No, no I don't think so." I say distractedly.

"Well then, are you excited for tonight?" Gavin wiggles his eyebrows at me.

A mischievous grin spreads across my face, and I crack my knuckles dramatically.

"Heck yeah."

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