Chapter 36

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I am so sorry for not updating in so long. I have been juggling a lot of things on my plate, but I haven't forgotten about you guys. :D

To make up for the lack of an updte, I put in some Blake/Steel moments in here for you fans. Hope you like it and make sure to vote if you do.

This chapter is dedicated to @FeliciaRitchie for being a supportive friend to me. I really appreciate it, and this one goes out to you! ;P

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter. <3 And hope you enjoy the picture of Blake on the side --->


Alex's POV

Gavin charges full speed at Jared, and I feel my heart skip a beat when Jared drops the old lady to the floor.

It's like seeing everything in slow motion. I can see the sweat beads running down Gavin's brow, I can see his muscles flex as he pumps his legs to go faster. I can see Jared's eyebrows rise in amusement, like he can take Gavin down any day.

I can see the stiffness in everyone's body, surprised into shock. I can see the specks of dust floating around in the sun rays.

My lips part as a gasp squeezes through my clenched teeth, and my body starts tingling with adrenaline.

Everything just become 100% more personal.

It just got real for me because yeah, it would be sad if the old lady had died and it definitely wouldn't have ended well for her mate. But I knew Gavin on a personal level. He wasn't

just the carrot boy. He was Tweedle-Dum.

And no one messes with the Mad Hatter's Tweedle-Dum.

Not Gavin, you traitor. Not my best friend.

I flash like a lightning bolt over to Matthew who is standing, paralyzed in shock, at the door frame. My razor sharp nails are morphed into claws, and I pry Chad off of me as carefully as I can, but the kid was making it difficult so I might have gotten a few scratches in there.

I whirl around as soon as I shove Chad into Matthew's limp arms, and he holds Chad robotically.

I wasn't fast enough. I watch as Gavin lunges at Jared, but Jared was ready. He raises a clawed hand in the air and starts to bring it down towards Gavin's chest.

I can hear his claws cut through the fabric of Gavin's shirt like it is shredding my own heart.

A scream is strangled in my throat and it sounds like a gurgle. I clench my hands in fists, my claws stabbing into my own palm like it's butter, making a thick flow of sticky warm blood to drip from my hands, but I don't feel the sting.

I stand paralyzed, for once, in my spot. Waiting for the inevitable to happen. Jared is a beta . . . or a used to be beta, whereas Gavin is a Tracker. Beta is two positions higher that Tracker, so that means . . . Gavin is road kill.

My breathing is labored as the smells of fresh blood fills my sensitive nose. Everything is moving so agonizingly slow, and I might just decapitate myself to make it stop.

A sun kissed feminine arm suddenly interferes, and I choke on the spit collecting in my mouth.

Oh god, no.

I hate it when this happens. I get spit collected in my mouth and then something startles me and and I inhale sharply and my spit goes down the wrong tube.

I always knew I would die, but please don't let it be because I drowned in my own spit.

I cough and hack up all that I have very unattractively, and I hear chuckling come from a very cold and evil person.

He Had To Be An Alpha?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin