Chapter 15

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*Alex's POV*

Gold, red, and vibrant orange. Dancing flames, swirling in sweet harmony. Their grace unmatched by no other. They lick at my broken body, and they flicker in and out of my focus.

I would've been able to admire them the way they should be . . . if my entire being weren't in complete agony.

The emotional pain is nothing compared to my physical pain. In fact, I'm not sure I can tell which is which. They are just blending together in a deadly concoction.

I clutch at my chest as yelps of pain swirl into screams of torment. Is this how it is freaking supposed to feel? My god, no wonder they don't recommend this shit!

Tears that stream down my cheeks are evaporated by the flame's heat before they can

drip off my chin. My eyes are squeezed shut as I feel like my soul being ripped from my body.

A scream of pure agony shreds it's way mercilessly from my cracked and dry lips as I become empty.

Hot, piercing pain is shooting through my bloodstream in vicious pulses.The only thing that makes this worse are my mate's matching shouts of agony a few paces away from me.

He had staggered back in surprise when I had barely breathed the rejection statement. I had purposefully made sure to speak it without him hearing my name.

I refuse to break.

In fact, I'm almost one hundred percent sure I just mouthed it while breathing out of my mouth.

Oh well, I guess the universe thought that it was enough for them.

I doubt he had actually thought I would do it, but sadly it was only because of the stupid mate bond. If he is happier off without me, then who am I to stand in his way. I don't want to be a bother to him all of my life.

Plus, I don't really want some other chick's leftovers.

If I thought things couldn't get any worse, a shrill never ending sound buzzes in my ear.

It's making my already throbbing head feel as if it expanded, and was pressing up against my skull trying to spew out of my ears.

I couldn't even try to clamp my hands over my ears to try and block out the agonizing sound. My sensitive ears threatening to rip themselves clean off my head to escape this torture.

I wouldn't blame them.

Heck, I want the tear myself to shreds right now. Unfortunately, my limp helpless arms are writhing in agony as well as the rest of my body.

The flames were beautiful, I could see that even through the agony they were inflicting on me, but I also couldn't help the harsh laugh that escaped my blistered lips.

Oh god, I sound like a lunatic.

Who flipping laughs when they are being burned to a crisp?

Obviously, I do have something wrong with me, but I couldn't help it. I just found it so metaphorical. So poetic. I mean, finding your mate is such a beautiful thing for most.

To love someone unconditionally, and be there for them. To love just their presence, You don't even have to see them. They just have to breath, and your heart skips a beat. Just like the beautiful flames.

However, they can also be very deadly.

Like in my case for example.

I guess the Moon Guardian has a sick sense of humor. He's probably looking down at me with tears flowing from my eyes, and clawing at my skin to rid myself of this sickening torment and laughing.

I haven't cried like this since I left my old pack.

I haven't screamed my brains out till my eyeball nearly popped out of their sockets like this

since I was beat to a pulp when I was 10. I was barely recognizable as human.

The pain escalated.

I don't even know how that was possible, but I was sure of one thing:

I was going to die.

I don't even get a choice of how I am going to be preserved. I mean, not that being buried six feet under is an appealing choice, but I guess the universe decided I was better off cremated.

I can feel as each individual blood vessel met it's max. tolerance for pain as they popped.

The large vein that I have running down my forehead is very noticable to me now that it is trying to burst out of my skin. Sweat is pouring off of me, making the flames sizzle.

I can feel my vision start to blacken around the edges.

Good bye, my precious baby. I thought squeezing my eyes shut. I'll never be able to ride you again. Hopefully, you'll get a good owner who will treat you right. I will haunt them if they don't.

Goodbye Gavin. I'll miss you.

Good bye Susan. I hope you're happy with your mate.

Good bye nutella. You were always there for me when I would silently cry in a random linen closet in the pack house. You delicious goodness will forever be imprinted in my heart.

An earsplitting scream that sounded more like an animal than a human leaves my lips.

The electrocuting pain blooms in my heart, and my eyes roll back.

This is it.

Goodbye Alpha Tyler. You have always been like a father to me, and I love you.


. . .

I have one thing I want to say to you:


With that pleasant thought, the flames brighten to a bright white, and that completely blinds me. I don't bother trying to cover my eyes.

I seriously hope this is heaven.

And they better have nutella.

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