Chapter 46

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*Alex's POV*

I stay standing there, drinking in the perfection in front of me. Heart pounding and cheeks flushing, I barely start to drop the cone light saber an inch......that is until it is slapped out of my hands.

I gasp and press my back into the cold metal doors of the elevator.

My attention is now captured by the man sobbing on his knees and clutching my hospital dress in tight fists.

I am suddenly swarmed and people are craning and pushing, scrambling to even lay a fingertip on me.

"Stop it! Stop it! Ow!" I yell when someone's heel steps on my bare feet.

I wonce in pain, and struggle to slam my palm on the elevator button.

"Get off of her!" A gravelly voice demands, and he is trying to push his way towards me.

Oh god. I met my mate.

And I'm in a hospital dress.

My cheeks flame up in embarrassment. I just had the best luck, didn't I?

The doors swing open and I stumble inside.

The crowd piles in too, squeezing me into the corner.

The man who was sobbing and my feet is now leaning over me, his height making him tower over me.

But his tears hit me like bullets and it scared me to feel such strong emotions towards a stranger.

I immediately start shoving and eventually, the people are trying to get in.

I give them one final strong push to gain distance and then pressed the button for the doors to close.

The doors close and I let out a relieved sigh, but then they start to open, and I scramble to push the close button.

They open as soon as they close and I catch a glimpse of him through the crack.

We were both pushing the buttons on either side of the doors. One of us trying to get in and the other trying to keep them out.

"Steel, come on just open the door," he says, voice like an addictive melody to my ears.

"Um, the elevator has a capacity of one," I say, trying to come up with as excuse.

The persistent dinging of the elevator as the doors barely opened and closed was adding to my nerves.

"The elevator can hold more than one petite person, now let me in," he deadpans.

"Don't come in! I'm.....I'm...." my head scrambles for an excuse. Any excuse. "I'M NAKED!" I say and then clamp a hand around my mouth, drowning in shame.

That made him pause and I could practically feel his lips twitch in amusement as if the closing doors were translucent.

"I just saw you, and you were most definitely clothed," he said, amusement dancing in his voice.

"I...I uh... I'm indecent," I say, pressing the button firmly as the doors began to open.

"You're wearing a hospital dress, that's hardly promiscuous." He argues, frustration leaking into his voice. "Now. Would. You. Please. Just. Let. Me. In.?" He said, his breathing becoming labored.

"You know.... know is not a good time," I say, trying to smoothen my hair down while pushing. "I'm busy."

"Busy doing what? Breathing?" He demands, audibly pushing his button harder, like that would make mine stop working.

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