Chapter 33

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Dedicated to A_Unique_Freak

:D Love to all of my awesome fans. I love hearing from you guys, so keep commenting what you think.

Thank you to all of you who followed me.


*Alex's POV*

The rest of the week was a blur of phone calls, Border Patrol, and millions and millions of questions.

It's frustrating to be bombarded by questions, and not know the answers to them. I try to satisfy the member's curiosity, but that is just so dang hard to do when your Alpha is locked away in his Office.

He hasn't come out since I had seen him go up the stairs on the night of his birthday celebration . . . if you can even call it that anymore.

I have just about had it with this never ending game of hide and seek with males.

At least I found Gavin . . . but now I'm having trouble breathing.

That guy is breathing down my neck 24/7, and he has been bugging me about telling Blake about the miniscule amount of time I spend sleeping.

It has definitely taking it's toll of me, but I learned from my mistake two days ago when I had gone up to ask Blake a question.

He had closed the door right in my face LITERALLY! He broke my nose, and didn't bother opening the door back up to see if I was okay . . . I then proceeded to donkey kick his door down and pelt him with his books.

I had to be dragged out by my feet by Gavin who apologized profusely to an annoyed Blake.

I think my claw marks are still there from trying to claw my way back into room. Blake is going to have to replace that carpet soon.

I settle down into the couch, and start to lay my legs next to me so I can lay down and rest, but Gavin has other ideas since he takes that space up with his fat butt.

I scowl at him before tilting my head back.

"You really should rest, you look like someone dragged you by a rope down the highway," Gavin comments for the fifth time since breakfast.

"I know, G. Now shut your trap before I cut out your vocal cords." I say, throwing an arm over my eyes.

"Geez, who spit in your cereal?" Gavin grumbles, laying his long legs on my lap.

I growl in warning, and he quiets down. I take a deep breath, and feel my eyelids get heavy.

Ahhhhhhh, swweeeeet sweeeeet sleeep.

* * *

My annoying ringtone interrupts my shut eyes, and I groan.

"Just ignore it," Gavin suggests, and I shoot a glare at him.

"I can't. How long have I been out?" I ask, moving around, looking for my phone groggily with my eyes still heavy and body extremely exhausted.

"About five minutes," Gavin says, looking at his watch. "Seriously Steel, you should just leave it to your Alph-"

"Yello?" I say, through a yawn.

"Pack Warrior, Christian Gaunt has not shown up for his Border Patrol shift," an unfamiliar male voice rumbles into the phone.

"I see, and what is his shift?" I ask, pulling out a napkin from my pocket, and a pen from my sloppy bun to take notes and file the paperwork later.

"Seventh Shift, Pack Warrior," he says.

"Uh huh," I say, sticking my pinky in my ear that doesn't have a phone pressed into it and twisting it before flicking ear wax away from me.

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