Chapter 13

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*Alex's POV*

It's been about seven hours of weaving my scent everywhere to make it nearly impossible to track me.

I must have jumped into the freezing cold pond deep in the woods about fifteen times to get rid of my scent.

I am sooo lucky my twinkies were sealed nicely and are still dry.

I would've killed myself if I had to eat soggy twinkies. No deserves that kind of torture.

I crush leaves against my skin to mask my scent. I carefully walk on the ground, making sure not to trip over tree roots, or bushes.

That would suck fudge balls.

I tread lightly to avoid making footprints.

The only thing providing me with light is the Dust Moon.

I have eaten my way through all of my lollipops, but I have some snacks left.

I ran into some mates as they made their way back to the Pack House, and they send me sad looks. They obviously doubt that I would find my mate this year since I'm still out here walking around. I just shrug, and keep blending my scent in with others.

Like I said before, I honestly don't care if I don't find my mate tonight.

Most of the seven hours I have been out here has been spent beating the stuffing out of perverts trying to get at me.

So much for a guy can't force himself on you. I even saved a few girls from a guy forcing himself on them. Some guys are such filthy pigs.

"Hey beautiful." A smooth voice coos, and I turn slowly.

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

A teenager is leaning casually against a nearby tree with his hands in his jean pockets while he eyes me. I growl menacingly at him, and his eyes widen in fear.

He takes off running in the opposite direction, and I can't help the bursts of laughter that take over my body for a whole ten minutes.

His face was priceless.

What a wimp!

I shouldn't feel so happy about scaring someone till they nearly soil their pants, but that is the only source of entertainment that I have at the moment. Oh my gosh, this is actually more fun than I thought it was.

I'll apologize for scaring people later. I figure, if a guy really is my mate, then he won't be afraid of me, he'll just be confused. I keep walking with my relaxed pace.

I jump up on a tree branch, and weave my scent from tree to tree in a circle for a while. I just loopty loop it for a while before just jumping from tree to tree skillfully. I take out a mini

water bottle, and take a few chugs to quench my thirst. Thank god, I thought to bring some.

I look around me taking in the view. It's beautiful. I bet most girls were too scared to even admire the woods since they were running like their lives depended on it. I smile remembering how frantically and flustered they had sprinted in these woods.

Ha ha.

I hop down from the tree branch I am standing on, and land with a soft thud. I kick leaves over my footprints to cover them up. I then continue my leisurely stroll with my hands in my pocket. I look up at the red moon.

It is beautiful, really. They hold 'The Hunt' after 'The Mating Ceremony' since it is said that the female's scent is strongest during a Dust Moon. When a female's scent is strong, it will call her mate to her, and they will find each other.

A female's scent isn't strong enough to call her mate to her before a Dust Moon. Sixteen is the prime age for females to participate in 'The Hunt. It is when their scent is the strongest.

I'm seventeen, but this is my first time being in The Hunt.

It has become mandatory for every unmated male and female to participate in 'The Hunt' every Dust Moon no matter what your age is. A Dust Moon occurs once a year in hope to find their Soul Mate that the Moon Guardian had chosen for them.

Most people are confused about whether the Moon Guardian is the same as the Moon

Goddess, but they aren't.

The Moon Guardian is like the Moon Goddess's assistant-or partner. They both play different roles.

The Moon Goddess keeps track of the moon's phases, and regulates them, whereas the Moon Guardian is responsible for pairing up mates.

There are legends that say that a wolf can have two mates, but there are no records of that ever occurring. So it was just pushed off as another myth.

I don't know if I believe it myself, but I guess since it was never proven wrong either, I just decide to stay mutual.

The bottom of my feet aches, and I'm sure if I took my shoes off, then the bottom of my feet would be as flat as a wooden plank.

I grit my teeth to keep myself from thinking of the pain. I'll just dip my feet the the river that flows not to far from here in a bit.

I take a deep breath, and inhale the scent of the woods. It relaxes me, and cools my body down. I sure am glad that I packed food, because I would have starved to death by now.

Practically everyone knows how much I love food. I live for food. I am about to reach into my pocket to take out a twinkie when I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand on edge.

Someone is watching me.

So much for my foot dip.

I freeze, and my muscles are tense. I slowly take my hand out of my pocket, and my claws come out of my fingertips-ready to castrate the idiot who is creepily watching me.

"Steel?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I relax immediately, and I turn around to see who had

spoken to me.

My eyes widen in shock.


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