Chapter 32

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*Alex's Pov*

I sit the the foot of the stairs with my elbows on my knees supporting my head in my hands. I need to cool down, and take a deep breathe. Collect yourself.

I close my eyes and take deep breathes with my fingertips digging into my cheeks. I hunch my shoulders, and let my head slip so that a curtain of thick hair shields me from the outside world.

Deep breathes. Find the calm within the storm.

I flinch when the door opens, and can practically see cold eyes staring at me. His jade iris dilating in glee when he raises the tough whip stiff from dried blood, ready to further my 'training'.

Calm down. This isn't real. None of this is real.

I gulp dryly when I hear the pitter patter of feet coming closer to me, I tense my muscles-ready for the strike.

His jade eyes twinkle and a smirk stretches across his face as his lips part to sneer at me.

He can't find you. Calm down.

Sweat beads down my forehead and neck and my fingers tremble terribly.

I can hear the intake of breath he draws before starting to say,

"Happy Birthday, Steel."

My head snaps up suddenly with wide eyes, and a strained jaw. My panicked eyes settle on innocent light blue eyes, and a loud sigh leaves my shuddering lips.

Just a memory. I take a deep breath, and close my eyes.

Push it back. Push it all back. It won't bother you, it doesn't bother you.

I release my breath, and the cork on the bottle seals the ugliness from coming back up and pouring it's contents like a flood.

"Hello, Chad." I say, forcing a smile, and ruffling his hair with steady fingers.

"Happy Birthday, Steel," Chad breathes again, holding out a piece of Nutella cake. The same cake I told him to eat for me.

The only difference it that it has candles on it spelling LUV arranged messily and some are falling over.

I blink at him with our heads level since I'm still sitting on the step of the staircase. A couple moments go by with us just having a staring contest, but it's not awkward.

I just need a few moments to take this in.

I look down at my cake, and then look back into Chad's patient eyes.

"It's okay to cry," Chad says, wiping a tear off my cheek that I didn't even realize I had let slip out.

It was just one. Not a whole sprinkler show, just one tear, and yet it held so many emotions.

"I know what it's like," Chad whispers, pushing the plate into my hands. "I don't have a birthday either."

I tense up, and my eyes widen in fear.

What does that mean?

He is so young, and here he is talking to me like I'm the little kid.

I open my mouth to speak, but am interrupted by a loud crash followed by a growl that shakes the earth and has me putting my cake beside me. I pull Chad's wobbling body into my arms so he doesn't topple over.

I didn't realize how long the growl must have lasted until Chad's scream sounded in my ear.

His poor sensitive ears must be burning. I place my palms over his ears, and bury his head in my stomach so I can bend over him. He quiets down immediately since my body muffles the power the growl has.

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