Chapter 23

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*Alex's POV*

11 Months later







"Oh, so you're a red velvet kind of guy, huh?" I say raising an eyebrow at him, teasingly.


"C'mon, Blake. Give me something to work with. I am not letting you pretend like your birthday isn't coming up. It's tomorrow for Christ's sake! What flavor cake do you want? Do you like buttermilk icing?" I ask, tapping my bottom lip thoughtfully.

"No." Blake says monotonously for the hundredth time. He leans against a cabinet opposite me, and folds his strong arms across his chest. His bulging muscles aren't helping me focus.

Don't drool, Alex.

"Do you want your icing colored?" I ask leaning against the island behind me.

"No." Blake repeats in the same tone as all of his other times.

Why does he have to be so stubborn?

"Do you want fondant?" I ask, tugging on my leather jacket coyly.

"No." Blake picks his nails like this is the most boring conversation ever.

I grit my teeth in frustration.

The rest of the pack is coughing to cover up their chuckles. They are watching our conversation with deep interest. They keep moving their head side to side each time we say something-like it's a ping pong tournament or something.

It's getting really annoying.

"I'm not going to stop bothering you until you tell me what cake I should bake for you," I say, clenching my fists.

Call me overdramatic, I don't care. I just want to bake the guy a cake.

Blake shrugs like he couldn't care less.

"Do you want two layers? Three?" I ask, giving him one last chance.

My patience is wearing thin, this whole week has been me bothering him about his cake. His birthday is tomorrow, and he won't budge.

"No." He says, his lips twitching in amusement when he sees my clenched hands, and gritting teeth. He just loves getting me frustrated.

I am exhausted. I haven't gotten more than a three hour sleep every week in 11 months, and now he just has to get on my nerves. I will not put up with this.

I stock over to him, quick as lightning, and grab the collar of his own leather jacket. I yank him down to me so that our faces are an inch apart. I just have to go on my tip toes, and we'll be kissing.

Not that I noticed his plump, pink lips an inch from mine.

No of course not.

His eyebrows rise at my outburst. I just want to smack that satisfied expression right off his gorgeous face.

"Listen here, Jackson." I spit out venomously.

I can feel my green eyes turning black with anger, and the whole house turns dead silent. There is tension in the air, and suddenly everyone is very interested in their food.

"You are getting a cake, whether you like it or not. I would rather it be a cake that you enjoy, rather than one you hate. So you will tell me what cake you want." I spit out, my grip on his leather jacket tightening.

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