Chapter 9

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"Get some sleep. The Hunt starts tomorrow." Alpha David says. Some girls pale at the idea of being hunted, while other girls push their breasts up to get attention.

There are two types of girls in this world, and both kinds are in this room with me as the exception.

You can see the nerdy, shy she-wolves in the corners of the room trying to hide their blushing cheeks. And then you have the ones that are wearing clothes that can fit a newborn.

Disgusting, if you ask me.

And then there's me. I honestly don't care if I find my mate tonight. I have been doing just fine without a mate, and if I do find my mate then yippee, I guess.

I'm the one who keeps to herself, and everyone thinks I'm quiet. However, if I get

comfortable around you, then you find out I am completely insane. Most people find me intimidating because of my Pack Warrior status, and that tends to keep all of the boys from my yard.

I get up after shrugging my shoulders to loosen up my muscles. I stretch my arms above my head, and release a sound that sounds like a baby dinosaur. I am so attractive . . . not.

I crack my neck by tilting it side to side. I notice a few people flinch at the sound. Ha ha. I smile widely to myself.

"What are you so happy about?" Alpha Tyler asks smiling down at me. I have to force

myself to not bust up laughing when I think of what my buddies and I have planned for tonight.

"No reason, just nervous I guess." I say, and it's the truth. I really am nervous. I have a freaking swarm of bees on crack buzzing around my stomach. I force down the nausea that comes in a thick wave.

"Don't be. You'll find your mate." Alpha Tyler says confidently. He just doesn't understand. It's not that I'm afraid of not finding my mate, I really don't care. But, I am scared that he'll reject me, and not want me. What if I'm too much for him?

"I know." I say emotionlessly. I keep my expression blank for a moment to compose myself.

"Steel," Alpha David says waving a hand to call me over. I nod at him letting him know I am aware of him wanting my presence. I turn to shoot Alpha Tyler one last small smile because I don't trust my voice at the moment.

I weave around people talking, and get bumped into multiple times. Of course, I get cat-

called and whistled at, but I just shoot them a look, and they are nearly choking on their



"What's up?" I ask shrugging my shoulders when I finally reach Alpha David. The other Alpha he is talking to looks at me funny, but I just roll my neck trying to get the stiffness out of it.

"Respect an Alpha," The other Alpha says. Anger is coming off of him in thick waves. I feel my eyes widen slightly. How could I not have noticed it before?

He's the same mysterious stranger who happens to be the most attractive male I have ever laid eyes on.

Yes ladies, this does mean he is hotter than Jake . . . by a lot.

"Respect Pack Warrior." I shoot back nonchalantly. I shrug my shoulders before catching eyes with Gavin. He gives me a crooked grin before going back to talking to a redhead.

I probably shouldn't be provoking an Alpha since they all have really bad tempers, but I can't help myself.

I hear a growl, and force the shivers that threaten to run down my back away. I turn to see the guy shaking, and his hands are clenched. I look him up and down.

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