Chapter 7

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«Alex's POV»

I step out of my room, and make my way to the dining room wearing black denim pants, with high heel black boots, a skin tight black tank top, and my black Harley Davidson leather jacket.

My hair is straightened, and I have smoky make up.

To be honest, I look smoking hot. I stepped in and everyone quiets down. I shrug it off confidently, and make my way to the food table. I am starving!

Everyone erupts into whispers. I'm pretty sure most of the girls are gossiping about my attire for this event. I never liked the Mating Ceremony. I heard its just a bunch of speeches being said by the Alphas about how this is important, and how we will hunt down our mates tomorrow in The Hunt.

"I told you to dress up," Alpha Tyler says with a smirk pulling on his mouth. He falls into stride next to me.

"I am dressed up," I say shrugging. "This is dressed up for me. You know I absolutely despise dresses. They're nearly impossible to fight in without worrying your g-string is flashing everyone." I point out.

I load my plate full of my favorite food, and don't even wait until I get to my table before shoving food in my mouth with my fork.

Alpha Tyler laughs at me and wraps an arm around my small shoulders.

"It's good to have you back, kid," Alpha Tyler says squeezing me to his side before letting me go and walking away.

Everyone is dressed to impress. The guys are in silk suits, and the girls are in high heels and tight dresses. The air is thick with tension, and I sit by myself at a table.

"I didn't think I would be seeing you here," I hear a familiar voice say. I look up from shoving my food in my mouth as fast as I can to see Kyle smiling down at me amused.

"I came for the food," I say smirking. He laughs, and takes the seat across from mine.

"Obviously," he says with his eyes twinkling. He suddenly stiffens, and glances up over my shoulder.

I look over my shoulder to see Jake glaring at Kyle from across the room. Jake has a blonde in the tiniest dress I've ever seen tucked under his arm. I wink at him, and turn back to Kyle.

"He doesn't like me much, does he?" Kyle says timidly. He glances nervously up over my shoulder again.

"Aw, don't worry, pup. I'll protect you from the big bad wolf." I place my hand on top of his comfortingly playful and tousle his hair into disarray.

Kyle growls at me, and I burst out laughing. Kyle growers at me while trying to fix his hair, but he joins in a second later.

"And how do you plan on protecting me, Princess?" Kyle asks with a glint in his hazel eyes as he eyes me up. Ew, Kyle. Please retreat back into the friend zone now.

"Pack Warrior." I stayed tapping my tattoo that is under my leather jacket as as it explains it all.

"I bet I can take you down," Kyle challenges. If this guy thinks he can take me down, he has another thing coming for him. Although, it would be fun to beat some humility into him, I don't really enjoy hurting people without a valid reason to.

"I took down 27 rogues on my way over here-on my own. if you think you can beat me, be my guest." I say leaning back before shoving a fork full of salad into my mouth.

"Naw, I don't fight girls," Kyle smirks, "especially not gorgeous girls." Kyle says, and I slap him upside the head.

"Get your head out of the gutter," I snarl, and he moves his head in submission immediately. "Uh, Kyle?" I say gently. He still doesn't move from that position. "Kyle," I say placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. He flinches despite my gentle touch. I didn't mean to scare him. "You don't have to submit to me," I say a comfortingly, "I don't want that."

Kyle looks up at me and physically relaxes when he sees the sweet smile on my face. "Thanks, Steel." he says smiling.

"For what?" I ask confused.

"For being my equal," Kyle says before kicking my chair out from under me. Lucky for me, my thighs are thick with muscle so I can support myself even in a sitting position.

I flex my muscles so I don't go to toppling with my chair. Kyle's eyes are wide and his mouth is open with surprise, and he looks a little bit scared.

"Real smooth, pup." I say sarcastically. I smirk at him before getting up, and picking up my plate. I see that some servants are struggling to keep up with all of these filthy pigs that leave their dirty dishes everywhere. "See you later, Kyle."

I pick up abandoned dishes from multiple tables, and before long I have a huge stack in my arms. I move my way around following service to the kitchen to help wash the dishes.

As I walk around a large table I am bumped into, and the plates nearly fall to the floor. I manage to regain balance a second later, and release a sigh of relief.

"Here, let me take those." A deep gravelly voice says. Shivers run down my spine, and tingles erupt throughout my body when a large hot hand grazes mine as it takes the plates from my arms.

I feel the weight lesson, and I release a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"Thank y-" I look up to thank whoever had helped me out, but he is gone. Like he just disappeared. I look around looking for some sign of a man carrying a stack of plates, but there's none.

That's weird.

Who was he? Should I try to find him?

Thoughts swirl around my head in a whirlwind, and I can't seem to move.

Tingles are still running heatedly throughout my body, and my hands are shaking where he had barely touched them

Why do I feel like this? I haven't even seen him, and I'm blushing from his touch.

I stand frozen with my eyes closed, and just enjoy the tingles running excitedly all the way down to my toes with a smile spread blissfully on my face.

He Had To Be An Alpha?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora