Chapter 11

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*Alex's Pov*

"Steel!" I wake up to hearing someone banging on my door mercilessly. "Get your big butt out of bed before I drag you out by your hair!" I hear Gavin yell at me.

"Five more minutes," I mumble before allowing myself to snuggle back into the comforter.

"You'll miss The Hunt!" Gavin insists frustratedly. I scoff at that. "Okay, nevermind, I know you don't want to go, but Alpha said you have to."

"Ugh!" I complain, but don't move.

Suddenly, my door is kicked down from it's hinges splinters shooting everywhere, but I still don't move-I don't even flinch. I can hear Gavin's footsteps moving to my closet.

"Honestly, Steel. Do you own any clothes that aren't black?" Gavin teases. I grunt, blowing stray hair out of my face. Gavin chuckles tossing clothing on top of me.

"Watch it!" I warn when a heavy jacket lands on my face. It wasn't the softest material either.

"Then get up!" Gavin laughs at my expression. I can tell he's smirking with amusement about me not being a morning person.

"But I don't wanna." I whine childishly sitting up, and rubbing my eyes. I probably look like the living dead right now. There is no such thing as 'beauty sleep'.

"You don't have a choice," Gavin says. "Take a shower, and get dressed. We're leaving in thirty." Gavin says before walking out. "And uh, sorry for your door." Gavin says, but his smile says that he isn't sorry at all.

I growl at him, but hop in the shower anyways. I make sure to take the clothes he picked out for me in the bathroom because currently, I'm having a privacy issue what with my door on the floor in splinters.

I get out of the shower, and get dressed. I brush through my hair, and straighten my already naturally straight hair. I straighten my hair because of the amount of hair I have, plus because my hair is so thick it frizzes.

I apply my make up, and pull on my leather jacket. I shove my secret pockets full of water bottles, lollipops, candy, small snacks, lotion, as well as an emergency kit. I walk out ready to give my mate the hunt of a lifetime. I grin at the thought.

"Do my eyes deceive me?" Susan says with eyes wide in shock. She blinks a few times, and then rubs her eyes as if she can't believe she's seeing what's right in front of her.

"Steel is smiling . . . IN THE MORNING?!" She shrieks.

I rub the back of my neck sheepishly. I guess it isn't a secret that I hate mornings. I am usually snappy, and really mean in the mornings, so people know to steer clear from my way.

"I was just thinking is all," I admit.

"About what?" Susan asks falling into stride next to me. It isn't difficult for her since she's 5'7, and I'm 5'4. I am really short, and that is not common for werewolves. I guess it's just a con about being a white wolf.

"Just how I'm going to make this 'hunt' difficult for my mate, if he's even here." I say shrugging with a huge smile on my face.

"You're so weird, Steel." Susan says smiling. He has a far away look in her eye that let's me know she is thinking.

"How so?" I ask glancing at her. I mean, I know I am crazy, and all but weird just doesn't seem to even begin to illustrate my craziness.

"Most girls would leap into their mate's arms without a second thought, and here you are wanting him to chase you." Susan says shaking her head with a small smile playing on her face.

"If he can catch me," I say smiling, "then he deserves me." I say looking at her. She smiles down at me.

"He sure is a lucky guy." Susan says. He turns her head to face the stairs so she can watch where she is stepping.

I can hear the worry in Susan's voice. I know she is nervous about finding her mate, but she has nothing to worry about. She is beautiful. She is tall with blonde hair and blue eyes with rocking curves, and everything.

Sure, her battle strategy and technique could use some polishing up-big time-but, she is a very nice girl.

"Your mate will love you, Susan." I say. "I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but me and Gavin made a bet saying that you and Hunter were going to end up mates." I say, and she blushes immediately.

"Wha-what?" She stutters.

"You know, Hunter. 6'2, buff, dirty blonde hair, chiseled abs, huge feet and hands, can knock out a rogues teeth with one uppercut to the jaw-"

"I know him, okay?!" Susan says covering my mouth with her palms, and I burst out laughing at her expression. She looks so flustered. She's had a crush on Hunter for years now, and I know it.

"Don't worry," I say recovering from my fits of laughter. "I'm all for Sunter." I say glancing at her. She is well aware of her and Hunter's 'ship name'. That's right, I'm a fangirl.

We reach the kitchen.

"Everyone out!" Alpha Tyler yells. "Anyone left behind will miss out-except Steel. You have to come." Alpha Tyler says giving me a pointed look. I groan, and grab a muffin off of the counter.

MMMMmmmmm . . . triple chocolate chip. I groan at the delicious taste in my mouth.

I make a move to straddle my motorcycle, but a hand on my shoulder stops me.

"Oh no you don't. You're riding with Gavin." Alpha Tyler says with glinting eyes. I stick my tongue out at him playfully. I place a kiss on my fingertips, and press them onto my beautiful baby.

"I'll be back soon." I promise, and skip off to Gavin's black Ford Truck. I climb onto the crowded trunk.

This is going to be a loooooong day.

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