Chapter 21

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*Alex's POV*

When did it get so hot in here? I can feel my cheeks flare up, and I am grateful that it's night time.

Hot damn, sexy thing. I just found my Paul Walker.

Let me get this straight-I never NEVER blush-like ever. I let my expression go cold to hide how attracted I am to this hunk.

I am a wizard when it comes to hiding my emotions, let me tell you.

He just oozes power. He has to be the strongest Alpha I ever met, and believe me: I have met A LOT of Alpha during my time as Pack Warrior for the Dawning Pack.

But that chapter has closed for me, and now I have to move on no matter how painful it is.

And if moving on looked as good as this blonde hunk with blue eyes did in a black leather jacket, then sign me up.

I feel the need to clear my throat, but that would give away my oogling.

"I don't remember asking," Blake says raising a perfect eyebrow at me-amused. I force my racing heart to slow down so it doesn't give me away.

Calm down, Alex. I chide myself. I force a cocky scoff to leave my lips.

"I don't remember caring," I retort, crossing my arms and cocking my hip out to the right. I raise my eyebrow in defiance.

You may have noticed it by now, but I don't just bow down to Alphas.

They have to earn it, and I am seriously rethinking my stubbornness as Blake's beautiful blue eyes darken.

My throat dries up, and I shiver at the look in his eyes. Have mercy.

Dang, Steel what is wrong with you?

You reject our mate, go through excruciating pain, see some beautiful wires that you still have no idea what they mean-but they will have to wait for now, save your best friend's butt, get kicked out of your own pack, had your motorcycle demolished, got banned from a cheap gym, were stopped at the front door of a Walmart, and took five hundred dollars from a rich kid in a race-all in less than two days. How can you have a crush on some random guy who happens to be your new acquaintance's brother?

Why do these things happen to me?

"Steel, let's go," Callie says. I raise both my eyebrows, and then turn to follow her.

"See ya, Sweet Cheeks, and I'm not talking about the ones on your face!" Holton yells at me as I walk away.

Oh heck to the no.

I turn around and punch his jaw, and then his eye. That's going to blacken. There's already a bruise forming on his jaw from my blow, and I have got to admit: It feels good.

I then bring my knee up, and knee him in his family jewels. I can hear laughs around us as an 'Ooof' escapes his lips as he grips his injured area.

"Nice bruise, and I'm not talking about the one on your face," I say smirking at his pained expression.

The people around us burst out laughing, and a bunch of people shout, "Buuuuuuurrrrrnnnnnn". Some even have to lean on each other to keep from falling over. I rub my hands together to make a show.

"Ugh, you're going to pay for that," Holton says, and I shrug.

"I still don't remember caring," I say making a 'who cares' face at him.

"Let's book it, Cal." I say, brushing past Blake. I feel his strong Alpha waves vibrate through me, and force myself to not hesitate on my next step. Ugh, I just had to have a crush on an Alpha didn't I?

I am so sick and tired of Alphas.

No offense Alpha Tyler, I love you.

I look up, and Blake's piercing blue eyes bore into my emerald green ones, I raise an eyebrow at him like 'what?' and his lips twitch up into a smile for a second.

I roll my eyes at him-even though on the inside I am screaming and jumping for joy. I turn away from him, and shove my hands into my pockets.

I feel heavy leather fall on my shoulders, and look up into Blake's blue eyes in confusion. Did he just let me use his leather jacket?

"I don't need my new pack member getting looks from creeps," Blake explains. I smirk at him, and raise an eyebrow.

I resist the urge to smile like an idiot because he just pretty much said he accepted me into his pack. I seriously don't care whose pack I'm in as long as I don't have to be a lone she-wolf Rogue for a second longer.

My Alpha being smoking hot is just an added bonus in my book. I struggle to keep my cool despite my exploding emotions.

"Suuurrreeee," I drag on, and I think my heart melted when his lips twitched again. Oh those oh so kissable plump pink soft looking lips. I shake my head to clear it of those thoughts. Bad Alex, Bad girl. I push my arms through the arm holes anyway. "Thanks, Bub," I say yanking the sleeves up since my short arms don't fill them.

His lips twitch yet again. I see Callie looking between the two of us, and I smirk at her.

Why does she look so deep in thought?

I pull my long hair out so it hangs down my front, and turn around swiftly-making it blow dramatically.

What can I say? I'm all about theatrics.

"Now I do remember having to meet some people," I tease Callie, and she raises an eyebrow. I shrug, and start walking to a group. "Fine, I can do it myself," I say cockily, and Callie laughs at my eagerness.

My bare stomach is now covered-thankfully, and Callie falls into stride next to my petite body.

I am sneakily breathing in lungfuls of Blake's scent from his Jacket collar when Callie interrupts my swooning.

"How did you do that?" Callie asks, glancing at me.

"Do what?" I ask, confused.

"Make him smile. I haven't seen him smile in years," Callie says truthfully. Her voice is barely audible. I'm pretty sure it's because she doesn't want Blake to overhear us.

"Uh," I don't know how to react. Most of me is confused, but there is a small part doing a happy dance front and center. "Let's try again." I say as a guy steps up to talk to me.

He has a cocky gin plastered to his face, and I side step him. I discretely stick my foot out, and spin with his body as he trips over my small foot.

I am now facing in the direction of Blake, and can feel his heated gaze on me. It is so hard to not start blushing like a fool right now.

The guy glares up at me from the muddy floor, and I quickly let my laughter die, I hold my hands up in surrender. I plaster an innocent smile on my face, and he just let's himself face plant wearily into the ground to hide his embarrassment.

I laugh, and hold my hand out for him to take. He takes it, and I help him up quickly and easily. Before he can even utter a word, I just shake my head at him, and shove him in the opposite direction.

The guy scowls in defeat, and I just smirk playfully at him.

I raise my gaze, and they connect with Blake's piercing blue eyes. I cross my eyes at him, and jut my thumb out to the guy staggering blindly away from me with mud caked in his eye.

Blake's lips twitch again, and he lifts an eyebrow at me. I smirk at him and just shrug one shoulder. I turn back around.

Callie is looking between Blake and me with an awed expression, but when I glance back at Blake- he has a scowl on his face. Mood swings much?

"I guess I'm just special," I say, wiggling my eyebrows at Callie as she looks at me in awe.

"Yeah, maybe," She says, suddenly in deep thought.

I don't glance back at Blake when I am being introduced to my new pack because I feel like that would make it obvious that I'm attracted to him.

But I REALLY want to.

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