Chapter 24

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*Alex's POV*

It took me three minutes to run the miles to get to the high school- my exhausted limbs complaining the whole way.

I wish I could get some sleep, but Pack Warrior duty is high maintenance. I have to keep track of barder patrol, and regulate any problem within the pack when it arises, and let me tell you: it arises a lot.

Any school fight that happens during the day, I have to come and sort out because I am the strongest, and people are pretty scared of me when I am angry-well, except Blake, but he's Alpha. He shouldn't be afraid of anything, and it seems like he's not, so I respect that about him.

I just wish he would pitch in once in a while. I understand being an Alpha is stressful, but c'mon man. Cut me some slack.

A lot of the younger members skip their patrol shift, so I have to fill in for all of them, and then some.

That is like running the border the majority of the day. I jog into the school, and hear the loud shouts of people cheering a fight on.

"Steel!" Dylan's voice calls out, and I see him waving his arms around like a mad man, and I mentally face palm myself.

I jog over to him, and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Oh thank god! I thought we were done for!" Dylan cries out dramatically.

"Who's fighting, Dylan," I say, getting straight to the point. I don't have time for hysterics. I'm still hoping I can catch some Z's before tonight.

"Stacy and Lola," Dylan cries out, and I stiffen.

"I skipped breakfast, for a CAT FIGHT?" I boom out in a rumble growl, and Dylan shrinks back in fright, whimpering.

The shouts go silent immediately, but the fight is still going on.

"Sorry," Dylan whispers, lowering his head in shame.

I run a tired hand down my face.

"C'mon, Dylan." I say gently, and straighten him out of his position. I kiss his cheek affectionately because I feel bad for yelling at him. I grab the sleeve of his jacket, and tug him to the fight. I stop when we can see the two blonds in skimpy outfits pulling each other's hair, and flashing their thongs at us.

I groan in frustration, and give a look to Dylan that says, 'pay attention'. Dylan turns his goofy grin serious and mock solutes me like the good soldier he isn't. I roll my eyes, and walk up to the fight.

I let the confidence and authority I feel come off of me in waves, and I don't even have to touch them for them to leap away from each other.

I hold in the urge to scoff at them. Not so tough now, are they.

"What happened?" I ask in a bored tone.

"She slept with my boyfriend!" Stacy shrieks.

"Wait, you have a boyfriend?" I ask raising an eyebrow. The school's easy access has a boyfriend?

Stacy huffs and fold her arms.

"Not anymore," Lola says in a sing song voice.

"Shut up!" Stacy shrieks, and I hold a hand up for them to stop talking.

I hold a hand out behind me and Dylan hands me a clip board with the paperwork I needed to fill out. Again, I rub my eyes-trying to rub the exhaustion from them.

"Name?" I ask, and they both scoff. "What?" I ask, holding my hands up in surrender, "I still have to ask."

"Stacy Tiffany Duchess." Stacy grumbles.

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