Chapter 17

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*Alex's POV*

My long eyelashes flutter against the tops of my cheeks as I open my eyes. The sun is blaring heatedly on my damp skin, but I welcome its warmth. It is comforting after the insane torture that I endured yesterday.

No wonder they don't recommend rejection. It was almost as painful as my childhood.

Flashes of abuse and filth fill my mind. I feel the crack of multiple whips open my skin before I am able to force the unwelcome memory into a drawer in a dark corner where it won't bother anyone. That abuse is in the past, and I don't want to break. I won't ever break.

With my renewed resolution, I crawl tiredly to a tree because I am too lazy to try and get up on my own. I use the trunk to help hoist my body upright, and take a shaky step forward. It feels so weird to walk, almost like my legs are different.

My body went through a lot yesterday, and I'm still recovering.

My wires aren't visible anymore, but I can still faintly feel them. It's like a slight pull that is drawing me somewhere, but I would rather not find out what. I just don't feel like having another adventure anytime soon.

I don't know what the wires mean, I know that Jake had 2, but why did I have 4? Not that I'm complaining, they're beautiful, but is something wrong with me? Maybe I just have so much personality that the fates thought I would need 4. I just don't know.

Does everyone have 2? Or does everyone have 4? I was never told or taught about any wires in my private studies to become Pack Warrior. Well, not that I paid very much attention, but I'm pretty sure they didn't go over this stuff.

I stumble out of the woods drunkenly. Oh god, please don't let anyone see me in this state.

I'm in a yard with a fountain.

Isn't there supposed to be a road here?

I'm pretty sure there's a road where the woods end. How did I get at the Pack House?

I see a large group of people gathered in a circle surrounding something. I straighten myself up, and set a blank expression to my face so no one can see my exhaustion.

I push people out of my way confidently to get to the center. What I see before my eyes has me struck frozen in shock.

Alpha David's Porsche Carrera is covered in cheap fake lilies. Someone had hot glues white lilies over any visible surface of Alpha David's car, and they made sure not to leave any spot blank.

But the florescent vehicle isn't what has me frozen in shock. It is the image of Gavin on his hands and knees, sobbing uncontrollably as a redhead girl tried to comfort him. The redhead is obviously his mate, and I think she is the girl I saw Gavin talking to at the Mating Ceremony.

The poor girl is being held back by none other than Alpha Omar who is looking hungrily at the scene before him.

Now, let me tell you why he is looking so power hungry.

Alpha David is standing with his muscles coiled, and fists clenched-towering over Gavin's fetal body with rage pouring off of his frame in heated Alpha waves.

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