Chapter 31

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*Alex's POV*

I push Blake into his seat at the head of the long dining room table.

The table was really huge to hold as many pack member as we can. Blake's pack is huge, so not everyone can fit in this dining room. I decided that we would keep this celebration only to how many people will have a seat at the table.

To be completely honest, it was hard to get people to come, and Blake's only family is Callie, and even she was hesitant to come.

It isn't a secret that Blake doesn't want to celebrate his birthday, but I want to. He deserves a little recognition for all the hard work he puts into running this massive pack so smoothly.

"Be nice," I whisper in Blake's ear, and smirk when shivers run down his spine when my bottom lip brushes against his ear lobe.

Something as simple as a shiver has my insides feeling all giddy. I ruffle Blake's hair playfully, and he growls at me in warning- trying to fix his hair, but failing.

I walk past Jared who is sitting to Blake's right, and stick my tongue out at the back of his head childishly. I usually sit next to Blake. Eric is sitting to Blake's left, so that means I have to sit next to party pooper Jared.

"Gavin, sit." I say, pointing at the chair across from mine.

Gavin shrugs away from the doorway he was leaning back on and plumps down in the seat, glaring daggers into my soul. He's just upset he's sitting so close to the Alpha. The big baby.

I stick my tongue out teasingly, and Gavin narrows his eyes at me evilly.

"Thank you, everyone for coming and celebrating Blake's 20th birthday!" I say, smiling widely as Dylan whoops loudly from the other end of the table, and people bang on the table powerfully-making the silverware clatter.

I laugh as Blake slumps further down in his seat, trying to disappear.

When he peaks up at me through his long eyelashes, I swoon silently while winking at him teasingly. He's much too handsome for his own good.

My poor teenage hormones can only handle so much attractiveness.

My head spins wildly as his lips twitch up into a smile, and he leans back into his chair, looking at everyone laugh at his expense. I can see a twinkle in his eye that wasn't there the first time I met him, and it makes my heart swell ten fold.

He looks around at everyone laughing with each other with happy smiles on their faces. He looks almost proud. 

I smile widely at everyone before holding my hands up for silence.

"I want to thank the generous and thoughtful people who contributed food, snacks, and drinks. Blake really appreciates the effort you made to come here, and bring something for all of us to enjoy-even if he doesn't show it," I mutter, glancing at a silent Blake.

The table erupts in light chuckling, and Blake glares at me. I smile innocently at him, and turn my eyes to Gavin who is slumped in his chair with his feet on the table is looking bored to death.

"Well, everything looks delicious, so let's dig in!" I say cheerfully, sending a pointed look at Gavin. He just rolls his eyes, and tilts his chair back lazily.

I look at my nutella cake that I had made, and pull it towards my plate greedily.

"Figures she'd go for that one," Jared grumbles, before shoveling a large forkful of red velvet cake into his mouth.

I shrug off his remark. I am beyond all reason. This is the moment I have been waiting for. I finally get to taste my geniusly made Nutella cake baked to perfection.

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