chapter 42

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*Alex's POV*

I walk into the Summer's Pack House again, and Gavin takes off to who knows where because this house is like a maze. I look back over my shoulder as I slowly close the door, the hair on the back of my neck pricking up.

I quickly shut it after that and am tempted to lock it, but I don't know how the hosts will feel about me locking out the wolves that are on patrol so I leave it unlocked.

Instead, I turn around and grab Chad's hand.

"You and me, sir, are going to have a chat about these stories tomorrow because right now you look how I feel . . . well I'm sure I look tired too, but whatever." I start to march us back to our room, when Blake suddenly steps into the hall.

We make eye contact, but I quickly break it. I walk right past him without acknowledging him, and he let's me.

Good. I don't want to talk to you, Mr. Alpha.

"Goodnight, Alpha," Chad murmurs over his shoulder.

"Goodnight," Blake says, but I don't turn around.

Not even when my feet feel like anvils and the strings are tugging viciously at me to turn around and just stare at this man's beautiful face.

No, I am not weak. I am not weak.

I have been through hell and back. A guy is not going to break me. Not now and not ever. I'll be alone forever and that is okay.

I convince myself of this, and when I turn the corner, and am out of Blake's eyesight, the wires relinquish their persistent pulling.

I take a deep breathe, and readjust my hold on Chad's hand.

I walk down halls and halls of wooden fancy doors, intricate carvings carved into them, and start to feel a little claustrophobic.

How did Xander get into the pack house?

What was he doing at the banquet?

If he can get in, what else can he do? He can kill us in our sleep without anyone noticing.

Goosebumps appear on my body, and I gently pull Chad closer to me protectively.

No, it's a mind game. His favorite kind. He was there to prove how easily he could do it, but

he won't. He's all about timing, and he's waiting for the perfect time . . . but when is the perfect time?

And what if Jared, Jake, and Alpha Omar attack us at night as well?

I take out the key and turn it in the lock. It clicks open duly, and I push open the door.

I turn the light on first before entering, and see that the room is empty. I quickly usher Chad inside, and check over my shoulder before following him inside. I close the door quickly and lock it as soon as the door was closed.

"Steel?" Chad says through an adorable yawn.

"Yeah, superman?" I ask, taking off my shoes.

"Are you going to the hunt tomorrow?" Chad asks, looking at me with big round eyes.

"No, no. I'm staying right here where I can keep an eye on you, and make sure you're safe." I say, pulling the sheets down the bed so that Chad can crawl in.

He jumps onto the bed and turns his body to sit.

I walk around the bed to him, and help take off his shoes. He gets under the silky sheets, and giggles.

"It's so warm," he sighs, snuggling in deeper, his curls delicately framing his chubby face.

I laugh, and look down at him. His eyes are closed, and he is just the cutest little guy.

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