Chapter 48

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Alex's POV

"Little pig, little pig let me in," I say, knocking on the wooden door in front of me.

"Um....not by the hair on my chiny chin chin?" Eric's voice calls out cautiously. "Please don't huff and puff my door down."

"No huffing and puffing going on here," I say, cracking my knuckles. "Just some old fashioned brute force." I smirk as I kick his door open.

Splinters fly everywhere and I step into the room.

"Here's Johnny!" I say, smiling giddily at the adrenalone coursing through my veins.

Geez something is wrong with me, I just met this guy and I'm already bullying him.

Oh well.

I look around and see Eric sitting criss cross apple sauce on a bed with his blanket over his head like a shawl or something.

He is surrounded by stuffed animals of all kinds-a care bear clutched to his chest.

He looked so young and innocent.

I push down the urge to say, "awwwwwweee."

"This is..." I say, looking around.

"Pathetic, I know." Eric scowls.

"I was thinking more along the lines of impressive, but whatever floats your boat." I say, kicking aside a teddy bear lying on the floor, and Eric squeals in fright for his beloved bear.

I lean down and pick up the bear-the soft artificial fur rubbing my skin gently.

I lean against the wall next to Eric's closet.

"Wait, hold on. Let's just talk, yeah? The bear never did anything," Eric's voice was wavering.

"Let's see what's behind curtain number 1!" I say in a show host's voice, and swing the door open.

I freeze looking into the closet.

"Houston, we have a problem," I mutter looking at the stuffed animal shrine set up in the closet.

"Okay, enough. You had your fun, now back up," Eric says, getting off the bed and coming towards me.

"Dude, you have sone serious issues. I mean...where are your clothes?" I ask, motioning to the closet.

"Enough," Eric starts to close the door.

"Is that a unicorn pillowpet?" I ask, craning my neck.

"Shows over," Eric says, starting to pick up the stuffed animals lying around.

"Doc McStuffins.....makes sense," I nod my head, feeling satisfied now that the mystery was solved.

"Oh hey, little man." Eric says, drawing my attention. "What are you doing here?"

I look at the doorway and see a boy with baby blue eyes, curly blond hair and rosy cheeks.

He blushes when I look him up and down.

"Hello there," I say, giving him a small wave and smile. "Aren't you a cutie?"

I walk to what is left of the door, shoving Eric's bear into his arms as I pass him.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I ask.

Tears start to well up in his blue eyes, and I start to feel the beginning of panic rise up in me.

I look to Eric for help, but he just clutches his bear to his chest even tighter as if to say no, don't even think about it.

I squat in front of the child, and bring my hands together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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