Chapter 5

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«Alex's POV»

I step out of Jake's car, and suddenly feel in desperate need of a long hot shower.

I hear Jake open the trunk, and I make my way over to my duffle bag in his trunk.

As I am about to grab it, another hand reaches out and grabs it before I can.

"Here, let me get that for you," a deep voice whispers next to me.

I look up to see fairly attractive teenage boy flash me a crooked grin.

"A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be carrying around heavy bags." He says winking at me.

I want to point out that I am currently covered in mud and dried blood, and am anything but beautiful.

However, I think that would ruin the polite gesture.

"I've handled things way tougher than a measly duffle bag." I say rolling my my eyes.

He chuckles, looking amused.

"I'm Kyle" The boy says, winking at me again.

He sticks his free hand out for me to shake.

"People call me Steel," I say truthfully.

I take his large hand in my small one and shake it firmly.

His smile grows.

"And what do I get to call you?" Kyle asks wiggling his eyebrows flirtatiously.

I scoff and am about to tell him he can shove a sock in his butt and call me Steel like the rest of the losers, but Jake answers for me.

"She told you her name is Steel, so you will call her Steel. Now stop flirting with my Pack Warrior," Jake snaps, and Kyle's eyes widen in fear.

"Yes, Alpha." Kyle whispers before looking down at his feet and showing his neck in submission.

Jake smiles smugly, and I resist the urge to slap him . . . in the face . . . with a brick.

Ugh, why does he bother me so much?

Oh yeah, because he's Jake.

"I'll take her bag, since I doubt you know where her room is . . . Do you know where her room is?" Jake challenges, raising an eyebrow, but Kyle just shakes his head no.

Kyle hands my duffle bag to Jake like it was soaked in Wolf's Bane.

"Thanks, now go find something to do other than help girls carry their bags inside." Jake snaps and Kyle winces.

Jake starts to walk away at a brisk pace, and I trail behind him since he does have my bag.

"Bye, Kyle. Nice meeting you!" I call back to him while waving.

"Someone is desperate for attention," Jake smirks down at me, and I scoff at him.

"You are a jerk, and you were mean to him. He seemed like an okay guy to me, and besides I know how to take care of myself." I rant.

Jake is making me uncomfortable what with him carrying my bag.

"I can take my bag now." I hold my hand out expectantly.

"Fine," Jake says shrugging.

He violently drops my bag into my arm and the weight nearly jerks my arm from its socket.

"Have fun." He says, and starts walking swiftly away from me.

"Jerk!" I call to his retreating figure.

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