Chapter 12

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*Alex's POV*

We drive for what seems like hours. I am surrounded by nervous looking teenagers everywhere. The tension in the air is almost unbearable.

I even contemplate launching myself off the moving truck, and just jogging there to get out of the thick air. I can see the girls and guys giving each other wary glances. I guess they're wondering if they might be mates.

Eh, whatever.

The smell of anxiety is making me suffocate. I crack my knuckles to try and loosen myself up, and a bunch of girls near me flinch at the undesirable sound.

Yes, because I really care about my feminity.

As soon as the truck stops, I am pushing everyone out of my way. I NEED to get off of this bucket load of awkward.

Plus, my butt went numb about two hours ago, and let me tell you; not pleasant at all. It changes you.

"Freedom!" I yell, and tackle the ground with my arms and legs spread out starfish style. I land on my stomach in a belly flop manner. "I missed you so much," I whisper stroking the grass with my hands. I rub my cheek into the ground, and relish the feeling of my butt coming back to me.

I get up wobbily because my left buttcheek is still tingling, and brush myself off. I ignore all of the weird stares I'm getting.

Haters gonna hate.

I just walk over to the enormous crowd of girls, and lean against a tree away from all of the other girls. No offense to the girls here, but I just don't get the female population. Well, except Susan, she's cool.

I can't stand the tension and nerves in the air, it's driving me bonkers. I turn my nose towards the woods to try and get a decent breathe of air in my lungs.

The males get back in their now spacious cars-lucky. Car engines start up, and they pull out of the side of a road. We are in the middle of nowhere-literally No Man's Land.

They drive off to their starting location on the other side of the woods-opposite of us, and

they stare after the crowd of girl with anxious eyes.

I seriously squirm like a worm under their gazes because of the desperate looks in them. It seriously has my wolf snarling at them to back off.

I am such a nice girl, don't you think? No? Yeah, I didn't think so either.

I roll my eyes, and wait in silence. I kill the time sucking on a couple lollipops. I get bored, and decide to play with myself since I don't feel like talking to nervous girls around me.

I close my eyes when I reach into my pocket, and pull a random lollipop out. I pop it in my mouth to guess the flavor.

All of the girls are too nervous to speak so we all wait in silence while shifting our weight from one foot to the other.

"Alright Ladies!" Alpha David calls out loudly, even though there's no need. We were already dead silent, but I doubt Alpha David cares about that.

Alpha David and Alpha Tyler were the only males to stick around when the cars pulled away. They are both standing up in the bed of an old, rusty red truck.


"Some things to go over. A male cannot force himself on you, you reserve the right to reject him, although we do not recommend that. Good luck finding," Alpha David mumbles his next phrase under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear, " or hiding for some,"

Alpha David glances into my eyes, and I smile smugly, "your Soul Mates" Alpha David speaks up louder,"May the Moon Guardian match you up with amazing mates. Let The Hunt Begin!" Alpha David yells.

The girls starts sprinting like crazy into the woods. They flail their arms wildly, and I feel my face scrunch up at the frenzied look in their eyes. Is this what it's like in a mental hospital?

I bet it's pretty darn close.

Some girls of them even scream at the top of their lungs. I groan in agitation. I do not have the patience for these idiots. I run a hand down my tired face. I just want to crawl back in bed, and sleep for another few hours.

Yeah, that sounds nice.

I don't make any indication that I am going to budge from leaning on this large tree's rough trunk, and the girls just run around me. Some girl's shoulder scraps the tree, and she stumbles a little before regaining her balance. SHe sends me a look, and growls at me.

She GROWLS at me.

I growl right back while gritting my teeth, and her eyes widen in fear. She makes a mad dash for the woods, and actually face plants in her haste. I laugh at her flustered face full of mud.

Ha! She had it coming. No one gets away with growling at me.

Who does she think she is? Growling at a Pack Warrior, just rude.

When the last of the girls disappears squealing into the woods in a mini skirt, I am the only female left in the clearing leaning against the tree.

Really? Who wears a mini skirt when they are going to be trudging through the woods for a while?


I can hear the Alpha Tyler and Alpha David laughing. I roll my eyes, and run a tired hand through my long hair. Do I have to do this?

I would much rather be doing Pack paperwork than be out here with hormonal teenagers.

Yes, I am aware that I am one of those hormonal teenagers.

I look over at the pair in the truck's bed with a pleading look, and Alpha David is shooing me into the woods like I'm a pesky fly. His smile ruins the motion.

I stick my tongue out at him childishly, and yank on my jacket sleeves to hide my hands. I turn, and take my time walking into the woods with my hands buried deep into my leather jacket's pockets.

My head is tilted towards the ground so I am looking at my feet.

"Have fun!" Alpha Tyler calls out to me, and I sigh deeply.

I will die of embarrassment.

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