Chapter 2

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Caper's POV hours before saving Sabina

"Alright team let's head out! If we want to make it back before dark we have to leave NOW!" I order my team of 20 of the best fighters. We start loading up the trucks with our necessary weapons, and crates for food and supplies. The team starts heading east communicating through satellite radio's. We need to head farther, then before in order to find what we need. We've already cleared out everything near our base.

I rub my hands down my face, "We can't go back empty handed again." I think to myself. An hour into our journey we pass a few small towns over run by zombies. No point in stopping, there's a whole team I'd like to return home with. I close my eyes for a bit. We'll be driving for a while until we reach someplace we haven't been before.

"Hey Caper, we're almost in a city. We should be able to find supplies here." Harper informs me. I look out the window and notice that it's not a very big city but it also looks like we will, hopefully, find what we need. We pull into a shopping district, and go into the first few stores finding a few things that we need for the base.

We continue making our way through the stores, until we find what looks like a department store. "Ok everyone! Be on guard, we have no clue what we're going to find while we're in here!" 10 of us start entering the store only to be pleasantly surprised to find all the food and supplies we need and then some. "Good thing we brought the big trucks! We hit the jackpot! Harper tell the guys outside to drive the trucks in here. There's no point in trying to carry everything outside." I hear Harper, my second in command, radio to the men outside.

A few minutes later 1 truck drives through the front window of the store, with a loud crash. "Let's hope there aren't many zombies in here, because that would have alerted them." I tell one of my other team mates. We all start loading this truck up with food items, from dried food, to canned food. We even find some candy and chocolate, so we take that as well. It'll be a nice treat for everyone back at base. Once this truck is full, Harper radios for the next truck to come in. This truck is bigger so we can fit more stuff. We got all the food plus more in the other truck, so this truck we're going to fill with clothes, and other necessities, maybe even some toys for the kids. It's not everyday we manage to find a place like this.

The other truck crashes through another window, and parks. Then a loud scream echos through the building. It didn't sound like a normal zombie snarl. "Sir, did you hear that?" Harper asks. I look around and signal for everyone to be quiet. It's so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Then there was snarling and fast heavy foot steps. Someone was running through the building. And from the sound of it, zombies were here too.

"Everyone be on the lookout! I don't think we're alone in here." We all ready our weapons and quickly but quietly make our way towards the snarling. Only to see that there's a girl, maybe 24 years old slicing heads. She finds a door and bursts through it only to freeze when she sees what's on the other side. The door is open long enough that I see there's a horde of zombies on the other side. "We gotta help her!" Is the first thing that comes to mind. "Harper! We gotta get that girl out of here! She can't take on that horde on her own!" I get everyone out that door to help the girl, but once we're out the zombies were running in the opposite direction towards a small forest.

Looking carefully there's a row of decapitated zombies headed in the direction they were running. "She must have made a path through the horde to try to run for the forest" Harper points out. "Sir, there are too many of them, we should just continue getting our supplies and head out. We don't want to be on the road when night hits."

I turn and glare at Harper. "We can not leave a helpless girl on her own! I will go help her myself if I have to!" I argue while climbing into one of the smaller truck that was brought around to the back of the building. I rev the engine. Harper and a few other guys climb in and more of our trucks come around. We speed off into the direction the horde ran. "I hope that girl is still alive." I think to myself. Once we find the horde, everyone climbs out and starts slaughtering zombies. Trucks run them over completely flattening them. I, on the other hand, have a target to find.

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