Chapter 31

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Caper's POV

After a few hours of getting some food, and some rest, everyone is back at it. We're all moving debris pretty quickly. Everyone desperate to find Sabina, but not as desperate as I am.

Finally we make it far enough through the debris, were we can see the small opening. I rev the engine of the truck and slowly move it forward. Izzy had said, that there is a huge steal beam on top of Sabina. We're going to need the truck and a bunch of the guys to help lift it off of her.

I jump out when I see Izzy moving ups and down. AS I get closer, I see that Izzy is doing chest compressions on Abby.

"Caper! She's not responding! She blacked out maybe 2 minutes ago when we heard you rev the engine. I can't find a pulse. I'm afraid she's loosing a lot of blood under the beam. If we have any chance of saving her we need to get the fucking beam off of her NOW!" She yells at me in a panic.

I follow behind her to Sabina's side. "Sabina, baby, I'm here. I found you. We're going to get you out of here." I whisper into her ear, while gently stroking her hair out of her face.

I tear drips down from my eyes, and lands on her cheek. I place my hand on her cheek and wipe the tear away with my thumb. Her skin is burning hot. Her body is probably fighting an infection.

Harper and a few of the other men, come up behind me, and say, "Sir, we're ready to move the beam. You can stay here with her, and once the beam is off of her, Izzy can quickly wrap up any open wounds. Once she's good to be moved, you're going to bring her into the truck and we will bring her back to camp." He pauses. "We won't have a lot of time so Izzy, you need to work quickly. Then, when we're back at camp you have all your stuff that you'll need to patch Sabina up." Izzy nods.

I look down at Sabina, her tan skin looking deathly pale. We don't have much time. I look up at Harper, and nod my head. Giving him the "Go ahead" to get started on freeing my girl.

Harper, and the other men, all come around the beam, and get in position. They had tied a rope around parts of it, and attached it to the truck. The men struggle to lift the beam, but with the trucks help, they're able to lift it enough for me to pull Sabina out from underneath it.

"Ok, Izzy. Hurry up and patch her up enough for me to bring her back to camp." Izzy get started on stopping Sabina from bleeding. Her hands moving quickly, while I stay up by Sabina's head, out of the way. "I need you to be ok baby, I need you to come back to me." I whisper into her ear, as I gently stroke her hair.

"Caper, I need your belt. I'm going to make a tourniquet to hopefully stop the bleeding from her leg. If it doesn't stop it, it'll at least slow it down enough for us to get her back." She tells me.

I take off my belt, and tightly wrap it around Sabina's thigh. I look down at her lower half. There is so much blood around her, that it's hard to see where the blood is even coming from. Izzy wipes away some of the blood from Sabina's leg, revealing the huge gash.

When the building collapsed, Sabina must have been tossed around quite a bit. I place my hand along her pulse line in her neck. Her pulse is slightly stronger. But not strong enough to keep her alive for much longer.

I continue to watch Izzy patch up some of the other cuts. None of which as serious as the huge gash on her thigh. "Ok! I've done all that I can do here. We need to bring her back to camp. I need the rest of my stuff there in order to stitch her up. And I have antibiotics that I need to give her. Being stuck under all that contaminated debris, has caused an infection to make its way into her system." Izzy explains to me.

I look over to Harper, "Bring the truck as close as you can. I don't want to move her too much. She won't be stable for long. And we need to get back to camp ASAP." Harper nods, and rushes off to get the truck.

I let go of Sabina's hand. It falls down to the ground with a slight thump. Wincing at the sound, I get to my feet, and bend down to carefully lift her up. Izzy keeps her hold on the belt. Keeping it as tight as possible.

Harper brings the truck as close as he can, but I still have to walk over some bigger debris that can't be lifted.

As I'm about to step over the steal beam, Sabina's head very slightly turns towards me. "Mmmmm..." she croaks out.

"It's ok baby, I got you. I'm going to bring you back, and get you better. You just need to fight, to stay alive. For me, my love. For us."

Suddenly her head slumps over to the other side. Izzy brings her hand up to Sabina's neck, to check for a pulse. Her eyes go wide and I know with that look that, it's not good news.

"Hurry up Caper! She's got no pulse!" We get Sabina in the back of the truck, and she immediately starts CPR again. I had no clue that I had been crying again until I feel the tears landing on my hand that's holding hers.

I take a deep breath, to compose myself. I will be no help if I'm panicking too. I lean down to blow into her lungs. Her lips are frozen, and it breaks my heart even more. "Come on baby! FIGHT!" I pray. "I can't loose you, not when I've just found you!" I panic.

After a few minutes, of continued CPR, Sabina takes a deep breath. Her eyes stare back into mine, full of fear. More tears fall freely from my eyes. "C...C...Cap..." she tries to say my name.

I cup my hand against her cheek. "It's ok Baby. I got you." I tell her. Tears starting to fall from the corners of her eyes. We get back to camp. Harper climbs out of the truck, and helps me get Sabina out of the truck bed.

"Caper, bring her into this tent here. I need to clean and stitch up all her open wounds. Once she's stitched up, I'll administer some antibiotics. You can move her to one of the rooms here in the hospital. But only after she's had a little time to rest. She's been through Hell, and her body needs to heal. She likely has a concussion, and the blood loss is substantial. Unfortunately I don't have any way to give her a transfusion. So we'll need to keep a very close eye on her." She informs me, while cleaning Sabina up.

Right now I'm too concerned about her safety, to even fully comprehend what Izzy is saying. Harper comes up behind me. "Hey, why don't you come out and clean yourself up. I'll stay here with Sabina. She's stable enough for you to get a drink and clean up." He tells me. I nod my head, and slowly walk out of the tent, but not before looking back at her almost lifeless body.

I trudge over to my own tent, and strip out of my bloody clothes. I look through my bag, and notice Sabina's clothes at the bottom. I pull out my own clean clothes, before pulling out a loose pair of sweats for her, and another one of my shirts to put on her. She doesn't need anything too tight, especially with her injuries. Although she'll probably stay in just my shirt for now.

I don't know how long I'm in my tent for, until Izzy comes over and pokes her head in. "Hey," she says softly. "I'm done stitching Sabina up. I've also bandaged her, and gave her some antibiotics. She's resting now, but I think that you should go over there and be there for when she wakes up. I think that you're going to be the first person she's going to want to see when she wakes up."

"Thank you Izzy, for everything. I owe you everything for saving her life." I explain to her.

"She's not out of the woods yet. I want either you or me staying with her 24/7 for a little while. We can take shifts so that we can both get some food and sleep. Her infection is really bad, and her dressings will need to be changed constantly." I nod my head.

Just as we walk into the tent, Sabina's body starts to convulse. "She's seizing!" Izzy yells and rushes to roll Sabina on her side. 

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