Chapter 29

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Caper's POV

After watching the hallway collapse in front of me, I don't know what to do. My feet are rooted in place, and I stare off into the distance in disbelief. One minute the hallway was there in front of me, and the next it was gone, taking Sabina down with it.

I stand there for who knows how long, when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head and look at who's behind me. Harper stands behind me, worry all over his face.

"What happened? We got here and the building started shaking violently." He asks, but I can't look at him in the eye.

I try to tell him what happened, but nothing comes out of my mouth. I can feel something sliding down my face. I reach up to wipe my face. I look down at my hand and see that I wiped away tears. I didn't even realize that I had been crying.

Harper turns me, and leads me back down stairs to the main lobby of the Hospital. As soon as we stop walking my knees give out. The tears that I was desperately holding back come forth, instantly soaking my face, and hands.

I don't realize that the team has all formed a circle around me. Everyone is confused by my display of emotion. I have yet to tell them what happened.

Goosebumps form on my shoulder, but I shake it off. It's probably just a breeze coming through the building.

"I shouldn't have left her alone. I should have just brought her will us. It's all my fault. She's probably dead now, and it's all my fault." I breath out, mostly to myself.

Harper stands there in utter shock. "Caper, what are you talking about? Does this have anything to do with how the building was violently shaking?" He asks me.

I feel another wave of goosebumps run through my entire body, this time making me shiver uncontrollably. One of the other team members notices. She comes over and wraps a blanket around my shoulders. I nod my head in thanks.

I look up at Harper, ready to explain what had happened. "We were scoping out the area, when we found a room that belonged to Izzy." I point to Izzy at the edge of the group, looking like she's deep in thought. Harper nods.

"Sabina managed to talk her into coming with us. After packing all her belongings, we started to make our way back to the trucks." I pause, getting ready to get into the deep part of the story. "We came across a pretty big group of Walkers. I could see the fear in Sabina's eyes, as she slaughtered her way through them. Finally we found a room to hunker down in. That's when I called for back up." I continue to explain to him.

Harper looks at me sympathetically, then confusion takes over his facial features. "But what does that have to do with what you said earlier? Who did you leave alone? Who is probably dead right now?" He just has to ask the hard questions. Before I manage to answer, Harper looks around at everyone that's in the main lobby.

After observing who is all there his eyes widen. "Where's Sabina?" He asks. He looks down at me. Hearing her name triggers stray tears to roll down my cheeks.

I pull myself up from the floor, and slowly make my way down the stairs to our truck. I grab Sabina's sweater and bring it to my face. I take a deep breath, taking in her scent.

Determination fills my senses. I need to find her body. I need the closure. I need to know that I did everything to find her. If I don't find her then I could never live with myself. She could still be alive, and if I leave without trying to find her, then I would be guaranteeing her death.

If I find her, and she is in fact dead, then I need to bring her back to Base and arrange a proper funeral for her. Jonah deserves to have closure too. He also needs to know that I did everything in my power to try and save her.

Harper walks over to me, probably seeing the look of determination in my eyes. "What's the plan Boss?" He asks.

I look him in the eyes. "We need to find her body. I am not going to stop until I find Sabina. I don't care how long it takes. I am not leaving here until I find her whether she's dead of alive!" I inform the entire group.

"Yes Sir!" Everyone replies.

"Before we start any work, we all need to rest. We won't be able to get anything done if we're all exhausted. I need some of you to secure doorways, and entrances. We're making camp here. The rest of you, we're going to start setting up camp." I use my voice of authority to tell the teams what to do.

"Sir, I've radioed the rest of the teams. I told half of them to continue as planned, the other half are going to come and help with the search for Sabina." He informs me. I nod my head.

I walk over to our truck, and take out the tent that Sabina and I were meant to share. A wave of sadness passes over me when I take out our bag as well. I bring the tent into the hospital, and set it up. I set up the sleeping pad, and the sleeping bag.

I take Sabina's sweater out of the bag I had put it in, and bring it with me into the sleeping bag. There's no way that I'll get any sleep tonight, with how worried I am for her life. But maybe with her scent near me I'll be able to rest a little bit. 

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