Chapter 10

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Caper's POV

I slowly open my eyes the next morning, after I realized that I'm in love with Sabina. I turn and look at the sleeping beauty in my arms. Once she finally fell asleep she only rolled over once. Now she's facing away from me. Slowly the sun starts rising higher into the sky, and birds are chirping galore. I turn to look at the clock and see that it's almost 9:00am. Sabina rolls over in my arms, landing with a quiet thud. I wrap my arm around her shoulder a little bit tighter. I close my eyes, and enjoy the feeling of her in my arms.

I look down towards her. Her head is on my chest, just like it was when we fell asleep. "Good morning Sabina." I tell her. My voice still sounding rough from sleep.

She smiles at me. "Good morning." She tries to get up, but I don't let her. Maybe I'm being selfish, but she just feels too good in my arms. She looks up at me. "Are we going to get up and start our day? I'm sure you have a lot of stuff to do." She asks. I think about it, Charli had given me some time off in order to help Sabina get settled. I shrug.

She lays back down on my chest. We lay like this for a while. Just enjoying each other. Then I have a thought. "Would she be pissed if I went and kissed her now? I really want to kiss her. But she said that she hasn't been taught about anything like that." I continue to think about how I'm going to go about kissing her. Then decide that I'm just going to ask her.

I clear my throat, "Umm... Sabina, can I ask you something?" She looks up at me and nods. The curiosity in her eyes, is so damn cute! "How much experience do you have?" She looks at me with her eyebrow raised in confusion. "Oh God I should have been more specific." I think.

Her mouth keeps opening and closing like she wants to answer but she doesn't know how. I mentally kick myself in the ass. Then she shrugs. She just shrugs!

"Look, I just want to try something, you can always stop me." I lean into her, and gently place my lips on hers. As I'm kissing her I can feel the tiny lightning bolts not only just in my lips, but throughout my whole body. She's not moving though. That's enough to tell me that she has no clue what to do. Slowly I continue to kiss her trying not to scare her, when suddenly her hands come up, and she pushes herself off of me.

The look of panic is clear as day on her face. That's when I know I really fucked up. She's scrambling to her feet. I try to get to my feet as well. But my size is making getting off the floor harder. By the time I'm on my feet she's already made it out the door. I throw on a shirt, and run out the door. I can hear her running down the stairs in the stairwell. "Sabina! I'm Sorry! Come Back!" I follow the sound of her footsteps as fast as I can. Then I hear the heavy door at the bottom slam.

By this time, I'm going down the stairs 2 at a time. I burst through the door, and find a bunch of the teenagers looking quite confused. "Which way did that new girl go?" I ask the first one I come up to. He points out the main door. I rub my hand down my face. At this point it's no use trying to run after her myself. She's much faster than I am. I exit the building, and make my way to the hospital. I keep my eye out for Sabina while I make my way there.

I knock on Charli's office door. "Come in." She says. I walk in and find her looking down at a map of areas that my team and I have been to. Likely planning a second trip to that department store. She looks up at me, and the smile on her face vanishes as soon as she sees the look of panic on my face.

"What's wrong?" she asks. She comes around to the front of her desk and motions for me to sit down in one of the chairs she has set up in front of the desk. I sit down and she takes a seat beside me, turning the chair so that it's facing me.

I rest my elbows on my knees and place my head in my hands. "I fucked up Charli. And I don't know how to fix it." I tell her. She sits there, calmly waiting for me to continue to explain. "I kissed her. I kissed Sabina thinking that she felt the same way. I told her that I wanted to try something, and that she could stop me whenever she wanted. But I don't think that she had completely comprehended what I was talking about. She froze up then ran away. By the time I was able to run after her she was gone. The kids downstairs said that she had run through the common room, then outside. She could be anywhere."

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