Chapter 19

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Sabina's POV

After a wonderful day at the beach with Caper, I turn to stare at the water. It's dark now, and the moon is reflecting beautifully on the water. I hear Caper put the basket down and walk my way. I stay where I am with my hands wrapped around my stomach.

Caper wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer into him. I lean back into his strong chest. I take comfort in him, he feels safe.

"Thank you Caper. I really needed this today." I tell him with a sigh "I want to tell him that I love him. But I don't know if he loves me back." I think to myself.

I'm so lost in my own thoughts that I don't feel him lean down to kiss my cheek. "It's now or never." I think again. I take a deep breath. "I love you Caper." I whisper out, so quietly that I'm not sure if he hears it.

Suddenly I'm being turned around. Caper tightens his grip on my waist, hugging me to him even tighter. He leans his head down so his mouth is right beside my ear. "I love you too Sabina." He whispers.

I feel my cheeks flush again then her kisses the top of my head. We stay like this for what feels like eternity. But unfortunately we can't stay here forever. There are people at home that need us. And we have jobs to do.

I let out a loud sigh, "Whats wrong, Love?" Caper asks me while pulling away to get a good look at my face.

"I wish we could just stay here forever. It's beautiful here, and it's quiet. It's also secluded, so we wouldn't be bothered by walkers" I lean my head back on Caper's chest. I feel his whole body shake as he chuckles.

I look up at him and narrow my eyes at him. Lucky for me, he doesn't see. "You know Sabina, if you ever want to come back here, all you have to do is ask. I found this spot one time while exploring the area. No one knows about it, so it can be our secret spot." He tells me, as he reaches down to grab my hand.

We start the walk back to the truck, through the rocky land. By the time we made it back to the truck my feet hurt, and my legs are numb. It wasn't really that long of a walk, but after the... activities we did, that left my legs kind of feeling like jelly.

I stare back up at the truck, forgetting how high it is. I had a hard time getting in it earlier. How will I manage to get in now that I'm exhausted? I turn around to see if I can find Caper, but it's so dark that I can't see him anywhere. I don't hear him anywhere either. My heart beat picks up as I start to panic. My palms are starting to sweat, as my breathing picks up.

"C-Caper?" I quietly ask out loud. But no answer. I take a deep breath, then look around again. Suddenly I hear footsteps, and fear takes over my system. Survival mode kicks up in me and I scramble to get under the truck, somewhere that walkers can't get to me. Tears start to stream down my face as I start to think that something bad has happened to Caper.

The footsteps stop beside the passenger side of the truck. I cup my hand over my mouth so that I don't start screaming. "Sabina? Sabina, where are you?" A voice calls out. Caper's voice calls out. Relief floods my system, but the tears continue to flow.

"C-Caper, I'm under here." I say. He kneels down and shines a flashlight under the truck. I look up at his concerned face.

"What are you doing under there?" He asks me. I reach my hand out to him and he grabs it. Helping me out from under the truck so I don't scrape up my stomach. Once I'm out, I throw my arms around Caper, and hug him as tight as I can.

"I called out for you, but you didn't answer. Then I heard footsteps coming and I panicked. If I had my katana with me, I wouldn't have had to hide." I explain to him. He wraps his arms around me holding me safely to him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just checking the area before we left. Since we're right at the border, we don't need walkers following us back to the main part of Base." He softly explained. He opens the passenger door, and helps me into the truck. This time I know its coming so there's no squealing when I get in.

The drive home was quiet. I was exhausted, so I just laid my head on the window. Caper's hand stayed on my thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth. The motion is calming. I feel my eyes growing heavy.

I think Caper notices this because he says "Go to sleep, you've had a big day." This time when my eyes close they stay closed, and darkness takes over.

The next thing I know, I feel myself being lifted up. My eyes flutter open, and I see that Caper is carrying me up the stairs of the Living Quarters. I lean my head back down on his chest. Not fully asleep again.

"Sabina, can I put you down so that I can open the door?" He asks. I nod my head. He sets me down. Making sure to keep a hand around my waist, so that I don't fall over due to the exhaustion that's coursing through my body.

He opens the door, and picks me back up. He walks through the bathroom and to my room. He sets me down on the bed, and walks over to my wardrobe. Looking through the few clothes that I have, he grabs me my pyjamas, and something else. When I see that he grabbed me a pair of underwear I blush for like, the millionth time since I've met this man.

Walking back to me, he helps me out of my bathing suit top. I lift my arms up so he can slide the shirt over my head. After that he helps me out of the shorts, and my bottoms.

Here I am sitting on my bed, lower half completely naked, in-front of Caper. His eyes flicker to me, then back to the under wear he grabbed for me. He helps me into those, then he helps me pull on the pyjama bottoms.

I let out a giant yawn. "Thank you Caper." I tell him. Then go to lay down. He leans down placing a soft kiss to my lips, which I return. After he pulls away I say, "Goodnight Caper."

"Goodnight my love." He says back, before he leaves the room.

I lay there in my bed, for what feels like hours. My entire body and mind exhausted, but I can't seem to be able to fall asleep. I toss and turn hoping that maybe I need a new position to fall asleep.

At this point I'm now curled up on the floor in a pile of blankets. Sometimes I have to lay on the floor, because it feels like all those times I had to sleep on the ground before Caper found me at the abandoned department store. But it wasn't working this time. Now I just have a sore back.

With a huff I get up and trudge to the bathroom. I fill the glass with cool water, and down it quickly. I do my business, and wash my hands. I find myself walking to Caper's room. I open his door, and peak in.

I knock lightly on his door, "Caper, are you still awake?" I quietly ask. Hoping that he's still away.

"Yeah, I am. Is everything ok?" He asks with a very groggy voice. "Oh lord, I woke him up." I think to myself.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up. It's just that I can't fall asleep." I reply walking closer to his bed. "Would it be ok if I slept with you?" I ask him.

I don't know what it is, but I like sleeping with Caper. He makes me feel safe.

Caper scoots over close to the outside of the bed. And pats the side up against the wall. I climb over him and lay down under the blanket. Caper rolls over, placing an arm under my head and his other arm around my waist. I'm facing him, curled up in his chest.

I feel him tilt his head down kissing the top of my head. I look up and place a sweet kiss on his lips this time. "Goodnight Caper. I love you." I whisper. As I lay my head back down on his chest.

Right before I feel the darkness of sleep take over, I hear him say "Goodnight Sabina, I love you too." And kisses the top of my head.

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