Chapter 41

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Caper's POV

After telling Sabina that I was ready to go home, I felt a weight come off shoulders. I seriously thought that she was going to be happy here. I'm not going to lie, I am happy here, but I also want to go home.

"Hey Caper?" I hear Sabina's voice come from the living room. I walk over to find her sitting on the couch reading some more of her book.

"Yes Love?" I reply to her.

"What time are we leaving in the morning?" she asks.

I lift her legs, and sit down next to her on the couch. I rub my hands up and down her calves, soothingly. "Well I was thinking of leaving early enough in the morning, so that we can get home before dark. We can also take our time going home too." I inform her.

"Oh, ok. So, who is all going with who?" she asks again before closing her book and placing it on the coffee table.

"Well some of the guys have already left. There are only three guys plus Izzy left. And us obviously. The four others are going in one truck. You and I are going on our own, in my truck." I explain to Sabina, as her eyes start to look heavy.

I look out the window, and notice that it's getting dark. I pull Sabina into my lap. I wrap my arms around her and stand up.

"Sweetheart, lets go to bed now. You're obviously tired, and we have an early morning tomorrow." I explain to her, as I make my way to our room.

I push the door open further with my foot, and slowly make my way over to the bed. I glance down at Sabina in my arms, and notice that her head is lulled over onto my chest above my heart. No doubt the sound of my heartbeat has soothed her to sleep.

I lay Sabina down on the bed, and tuck her in. I lean down and place a soft kiss to her forehead. "I love you, Sabina." I whisper, then leave the room to finalize our trip home.

Entering the dining room, I see Izzy standing in the kitchen making what looks like a bowl of soup. "Hey Izzy." I quietly call out.

"Oh! Hey Caper." She replies. "The guys and I are ready to head out in the morning. If you want, I can take your stuff and put it in your truck, so that you don't have to worry about it."

"Yeah, it's all by the door so when you head back to your room for the night you can take it with you. I'm just going to stay up for a little bit and clear my head. We've been through a lot over the last few weeks. It'll be nice to go back home." I continue to reminisce about the last few weeks.

I guess I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice Izzy had placed a cup of tea on the table in front of me and left for the night. I shake my head and take a sip of the now lukewarm tea. Not wanting to waste it, I drink the rest in a few gulps. I place the cup in the sink, and make my way back to bed.

I pull my shirt off, and slide out of my pants, then climb into bed beside my sleeping beauty. I get comfortable on my back, when I feel Sabina stir beside me. I look over at her and watch her snuggle her way over to me. She places her head on my chest and wraps her arm around my waist.

I snake my arm under her and place my hand on her shoulder. With my free hand, I pull the covers over us, then place a soft kiss on the top of Sabina's head. "Goodnight, my love." I whisper before sleep takes over.

By the time I wake up in the morning, it's still dark. I glance back over at Sabina to find her still peacefully asleep. I hear a knock at the door.

Groaning slightly, I get up, and throw on my pants. I make my way to the door and find Izzy there. "Good morning. We're ready to head out. From what the others tell me, the ride back to Base is at least a few hours. I'm sure you guys want to get home early." She explains.

I nod my head then glance back at our room. "Yeah, I know I want to go home, and I'm sure Sabina wants to see her brother again. Ill get her out of bed, and we'll meet you at the trucks in a few minutes." Izzy nods and leaves.

I close the door, then turn to our room. I noticed that Sabina isn't in bed anymore. I turn towards the bathroom, and find her leaning over the sink, gripping it like it's her lifeline.

I rush over to her side, "Hey, hey, hey, baby what's wrong?" I place my hand on her shoulder, gently coaxing her to turn towards me. When she finally manages to turn towards me, and open her eyes, I notice that she had been crying. Her eyes are blood shot red, and her cheeks have tear streaks running down them.

"Oh sweetheart, what's the matter? I thought you were happy to go home?" I ask her, while pulling her in for a tight reassuring hug.

"I am happy to go home, but I don't know what it is. I have this feeling that something bad has happened. I can't explain it." She explains with a hoarse voice, before sniffling again.

"I'm sure you're just nervous to go home. We've been away for a long time. Let's just get into the truck and start driving. This way if we leave now, we will be home sooner. The others are waiting for us already." I take the cloth off the counter and wipe her face with it.

She tightens her grip around my waist briefly, then let's go. "Ok, I'm sure it's nothing, let's go home."

After driving for a few hours, Sabina stirs from her spot in the front seat beside me. "Caper, that feeling I had early is back. There's something wrong!"

"Ok, I hear you. Are you able to wait till we get back to base? Then we can talk to Charli. She might have an idea what's going on." Sabina nods her head.

I take Sabina's hand in my free hand and continue the drive back to base. Sabina's grip tightens the moment the gates come into view.

As we get closer, I notice that the gates were left open. "That's strange, the gates are always supposed to be closed." I stop the truck and see that the others had done the same.

"Sabina, baby. I need you to stay here for a few minutes. I'm going to go talk to the others." She nods her head.

I climb out of the truck and make my way to the others. But just before I make it to the other truck, that's when I hear it. The unmistakable snarl of walkers.

I turn towards Base, hoping that it's only a few of them. Suddenly I hear Sabina Scream. "Caper LOOK OUT!!" I swing back around and find myself within fifteen yards of a hoard of walkers making their way quickly toward us.

I bolt back to the truck and rev the engine. I floor the gas pedal and drive right through the hoard, strait for our Living Quarters. Only to find that the doors are barricaded shut. Meaning that we are now stuck outside, with a hoard of walkers coming straight for us.


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