Chapter 28

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Sabina's POV

I can feel something being wrapped around my head. I try to take a deep breath, but it feels like something is pressing against me, making it difficult to take a deep breath. I start to peel my eyes open, but it feels like my eye lids are made of sandpaper.

"Hey, it's ok Sabina, I'm here. Take your time, but don't try to move. You're trapped under a steal beam." The person says. Their voice sound a little familiar, but I can't place where I've heard their voice before.

Finally I manage to get my eyes open. I get a good look at who this person with me is. Izzy gives me a sad smile, and brings a bottle of water to my mouth. She helps me take a drink. The cool water sooths my very dry, scratchy throat.

"Wh..What ha...happened?" I croak out. My voice sounding so foreign to me. I try to lift my right arm, to wipe away some dirt on my face. When a shooting pain goes all the way up my arm and through my torso. "Ahhhh!!" I scream out.

"I told you not to move. You have a steal beam on top of you blocking your legs, and you likely have some broken bones in your arms. Not to mention you very likely have a concussion." Izzy says bluntly.

I try to move my feet, but I can't. I can feel myself start to panic. "Hey, hey, it's ok. I'm patching up your open wounds, and stabilizing everything else. Once I know that you're going to be ok, I'm going to go and get the others." She reassures me with a slight nod and smile.

Her words help calm me down a little bit. I feel my eyes growing heavy. "Izzy, I'm getting really sleepy. I don't know how much longer I can stay awake." I say as my eyes start to droop.

"No, no, no, no! Sabina you have to stay awake for me. If I'm right about your concussion you might not wake up. You've also lost a lot of blood. You need to try to stay awake for me." She panics. I open my eyes, but it's hard for me to keep them open.

"I'm done patching you up. I need you to stay awake while I go to find the others. I need to tell them that I found you. And that we need to move the debris in order to get you out. Do you think you can stay away until I get back?" Izzy says concern all over her face.

I nod my head slightly. "I'll try." I reply.

Izzy leaves her bag with me, on my left side, since I can sort of move that arm, and then she's off. It doesn't take her long to be out of my sight, considering that I'm stuck under this stupid beam.

I don't know how longs it's been, but it feels like an eternity. Izzy still hasn't returned, and my mind is all over the place. Tears start to fall down my face, and I want for anything to just wake up from this nightmare. But unfortunately for me. This is no dream. I am really stuck under a collapsed hospital.

My mind starts to wander. I wonder if this is how I'm going to die. I'll never get to see Jonah again. I got lost from him so long ago. I only just got to be reunited with him.

My eyes well up again with more tears when another thought hits me. If I die here, I'm never going to see Caper again. A sob escapes my lips when this devastating thought hits me like a freight train. I'm going to die here, and I won't even get to say I love you to Caper one last time.

Before I know it, I hear something move around me. Izzy appears to my side out of breath. "Hey, I found them, and I told them that I found you. But that you're in rough shape." She informs me. "The only thing I want you to do, is stay alive for me. Okay?" She says.

I nod my head. Izzy comes over to me, and settles down beside me. I turn my head towards her. "Thank you, Izzy." I manage to whisper out. She places her hand on my head, in a soothing way, and smiles down at me.


We sat there in silence for quite a while. Every time I would close my eyes, Izzy would make sure that I didn't fall asleep. I was starting to get annoyed, because I'm so tired.

After a little while longer, Izzy managed to get me to eat a little bit of a granola bar, and drink a bit more water. She changed my bandages on my arms, and my head. She tried to lift the steal beam a few times, but it was no use. We needed Caper, and the team to try to hoist it up off me. It was an odd feeling not being able to move my legs, or even wiggle my toes. Izzy is worried, that if they don't come soon, I might loose my legs completely.

We've lost track of time. I know it's been a long time. I start to feel really cold. I look up to Izzy, "Hey, umm... do you have another sweater or something?" I ask her, my teeth chattering. But I also feel my forehead getting sweaty.

Izzy rests her hand on my forehead, her eyes go wide. "Oh no!" She whispers out.

Hearing her say this has my eyes go wide. "What is it? What's wrong?" I ask, panic bubbling up inside me.

"It looks like you're getting a fever. One of your wounds must have gotten infected. Or maybe it was a cut that's under the beam." She informs me with sadness in her eyes. "There's nothing I can really do without leaving you here alone. And I don't want to do that. I need to keep you alive. I NEED to get you back to Caper."

Izzy goes through her bag again. Then we hear it, the sound of a truck engine revving. It's very faint, but we can hear it. I try to listen further but I can't hear anything else, my ears start ringing, and dark spots start clouding my vision.

The next thing I hear is Izzy faintly saying "NO! Sabina, they're almost here. You have to stay awake for me!!" But I can't anymore.

"I love You Caper." I croak out before the darkness welcomes me with open arms. 

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