Chapter 11

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Sabina's POV

I stare up at Caper, and Jonah, who both, mind you, look either worried or very pissed off. I don't say a word, because if I say something that means that I want to talk about the fact that I ran away. I couldn't figure out what I was feeling so I decided to run away like a freaken child. I'm an adult! I'm a 25 year old woman, who runs away when she starts feeling things other than loss. How pathetic. I mentally roll my eyes.

"What the hell Sabina!! Did you seriously just run and hide because you freaked out that Caper was trying to comfort you from a nightmare?" Jonah yells at me. Well, it sounds like Caper is keeping some stuff to himself then. Because that's only part of what had happened.

"We've been looking everywhere for you, Sabina. You've had us all worried sick." Caper explains. I roll my eye, for real this time. I don't feel like talking to them right now. I hoist myself up and try to squeeze between them to leave. But unfortunately, it's a tight squeeze so I have to be all up close and personal with both Caper and Jonah.

As I squeeze between them I can feel the sparks from Caper again. My breath hitches. "Sabina? You good there?" Jonah asks. I weakly nod my head. "Good because when we get back you have a shit ton of explaining to do!" he says frustrated.

I turn around and look at Jonah. "UGH!" I huff and push through them. I finally get outside and the fresh are fills my lungs. I guess I'd been in there for quite a long time because it's really dark out now.

Caper comes up to me and places his hand on the small of my back. I walk out of his grasp, and turn and stare at him. "Look I'm sorry. If I'd have known that me kissing you would have freaked you out I wouldn't have done it. But I need you to know that I have really strong feelings for you that I've never had for anyone else before." He whispers to me.

Suddenly Caper is being shoved by Jonah, so hard that he almost goes flying. "WHAT THE FUCK!! YOU KISSED MY SISTER!" Jonah angrily yells at Caper. "Is that the real reason why we had to spend all fucking day looking for her!?" he shoves Caper again.

I stand there frozen just watching them get into their fight. "I had told her that I wanted to try something but clearly she didn't understand what I meant. I should have been clearer with her." Caper hollers back to Jonah, while trying to fight back.

Caper takes a wide step forward, trying to intimidate Jonah. But Jonah is much bigger than Caper, from all of the metal work he's been doing from such a young age. You'd think that he's the older sibling.

Jonah swings his fist, connecting with Caper's cheek. Already swollen, Caper goes into a defensive stance. They stare each other down for what feels like an eternity. Then he takes a swing at Jonah's face. Only for Jonah to dodge and swing back. Caper blocks the swing, then tries to land a hit on Jonah's chest, then face but Jonah dodges easily.

There are grunts of frustration leaving both of the men. Jonah lands another hit on Caper, right on his shoulder. Then to his stomach. While he's bent over Jonah gets closer and kicks Caper in the gut. And he goes flying backwards. "NOO!!!" I scream "Jonah! Stop it!" he looks at me. While he's distracted I notice that Caper has gotten up and is now coming towards Jonah with a look that could kill in his eyes. "Jonah Look Out!!" I scream.

But it's too late, Jonah turns around just in time for Caper to land a powerful hit to Jonah's skull. Knocking him out instantly. "Jonah!" I shriek. Running towards his still body. "What have you done!?" I turn to Caper and yell. Tears flowing freely down my face.

Jonah stirs and then slowly opens his eyes. I throw myself onto him hugging him like it's the last hug I'll get to give him. "It's ok Sab. I'm fine." He tells me softly. Returning my hug.

Caper walks up to me, sadness in his eyes. "Look Sabina, I'm sorry. I didn't want to end up fighting your brother. And about what happened earlier this afternoon, it won't happen again. I swear." He says, then turns to leave.

As he's walking away, I turn to Jonah, "I'm glad you're ok, but seriously, I could have handled him myself. I had a lot of time to think while I was hiding you know." I start saying, as I help Jonah up. We start slowly walking back to the living quarters.

I continue telling him, "I know that mom and dad never really taught me how to survive much on my own, and they never taught me about how it would be like if I ever decided to settle down and start my own family. Sometimes I think that maybe they were hoping that I wouldn't survive long enough to make it this far in life. Hoping maybe I'd be taken by the Zombies too." I look down at my feet, a stray tear rolling down my cheek.

"Can I tell you something Sab?" Jonah asks me. I nod and he continues. "There's something you need to know about your past." He pauses, and takes a deep breath. I look at him with a raised brow. Confusion written on my face.

"What are you talking about Jonah?" I ask him. He stops walking, and turns to face me. Sadness in his eyes. I start to get worried.

"Mom and dad only had 1 child." I stare at him. It takes me a minute to process what he tells me. "I was 1 year old when dad found you on a supply run. They only told me when I turned 14 after I overheard mom and dad arguing about how they shouldn't bother teaching you about being an adult. Mom didn't think that there was a point in it. Since we didn't have any contact with others, and that you couldn't defend yourself." He explains. "It's why I took it upon myself to help you learn how to protect yourself."

I stare at Jonah, dumb founded. I don't know what to say. So many thoughts are running through my mind right now "how could they have lied to me my whole life? The family I knew and loved wasn't actually my family at all. How could Jonah keep this life changing secret from me!?"

I look up to Jonah's eyes, and laugh. Not like an 'it's funny' laugh. More like an 'I don't know what to think' kind of laugh.

He looks back at me, trying to figure out what is going on inside my head.

Once I stopped laughing, I tell him "Okay, umm so what you're telling me, is mom and dad aren't my real parents."He nods. "My real parents are likely dead, or turned. And that you're not my real brother. Correct?" He nods again. "GREAT!! So I'm going to go now, I don't want you following me." A sad look of understanding appears on his face.

As I walk away from Jonah, I decide that I don't want to go see Caper. My feet take me into the Living Quarters, and up a few flights of stairs. I knock on a door, and the door swings open. 

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