Chapter 7

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Sabina's POV

As Caper and I are walking around Base, I make mental notes of where everything is. The farming sector where the grow the fruits and vegetables catches my attention. I used to love working in the garden with my mother. I smile to myself.

The last place he brings me to is a very warm building. I assume it's the weaponry. A handsome man walks out to the counter. I notice he's got quite a sinister smirk. "Hey Caper," then he spots me and his smirk grows. "Who do we have here?" He directs his question to me. I don't like how he's looking at me, like I'm something to eat.

He glances at Caper, then immediately clears his throat, "Sorry, umm... what can I do for you guys this evening?" He asks. Strange, it's like Caper has a lot of power here. I also notice that he's smiling at something.

"Yeah, Sabina here has a Katana, that needs to be sharpened. Do you think he," he points to someone in the back, I'm assuming he just has more experience with Katanas "has time for 1 more sharpen before he leaves for the night?" He asks.

I take the blade off my shoulder, and carefully slip it out of its case. Then place it on the counter so that, this creepy guy, can have a better look at it. "Hey!" He yells to the guy in the back, "do you have time for one more blade sharpen?" He asks.

This new guy comes out with a smaller blade in his hand that he's wiping down. He seems oddly familiar. As I'm trying to figure out where I've seen him before, I notice the black stone necklace my father made, he made a matching white one for my mother which was given to me. Together they make a heart. I reach up and grab ahold of mine. Then I get a good look at his face. I gasp! "JONAH!!" I stand there frozen in shock.

He finally looks up, and the blade in his hand goes crashing down to the floor. "S...Sabina? Is... is that you?" He stutters out.

I nod my head and finally manage to make myself move. He comes around the counter and I bolt into his arms. Jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist.

Tears of joy are rolling down both of our faces. "How are you still alive? How are you even here right now? I never thought I'd see you again!" I ask while still hugging him tightly.

He puts me down, and starts answering my questions. "Well when those zombies had attacked us, I left you with my katana. I had dads other blade with me remember." I nod and he continues. "After I managed to make it safe for us again, I went back to where we were hiding. You weren't there. I looked for you for hours thinking that you couldn't have gotten far. Then came to the conclusion that you were dead." He pauses and hugs me again.

"Jonah, you told me that we were to head west. I didn't have a way to figure out what way west was. I thought you were dead too. So I just took your katana and ran." I tell him honestly.

He turns around and picks up the katana, turns it over in his hands, "it's still in really good shape. I'll sharpen it for you tomorrow, and redo the handle too. It's getting worn out." He turns to look at Caper, "thank you for finding my sister. Is there anyway I can repay you?" He asks him.

"No need to repay me. We kind of spooked her when the team and I went on a supply run. Just knowing that she's safe now, and finally reunited with her brother is good enough for me. If you'd like I'm sure we can arrange for you to have some time off so you can spend time with her." He tells Jonah.

I interrupt. "No! He's got work to do. I can always just spend time with him when he's done." I look at Jonah, "if it's ok with you, would you be able to show me how to sharpen my blade?"

He looks to Caper, and Caper nods his head. I raise my eyebrow trying to figure out what's going on. But I got nothing. "Sure, I'll be working on your blade tomorrow after I finish with a couple that I'm currently working on. You can come by in the afternoon." He tells me.

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