Chapter 6

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Caper's POV

*Authors Note- Sexual content - Read at your own risk*

She asked me where her stuff was. Why hadn't I shown her earlier? She started to panic, so I walked over to the closet and opened it for her. Once she saw that her blade and bag were there you could see the relief on her face. She practically ran to her stuff.

She grabs only her katana and slings it over her shoulder. Now that it's on her, she completely relaxes. Then the next thing I know, she swings her arms up and wraps them around my neck. "Thank you Caper!" She exclaims.

After I come back from my shock, I slowly wrap my arms around her waist. I don't want to scare her. "I would never get rid of your things, Sabina." I whisper into her ear. She squeezes me just a little bit tighter, and I melt. A stupid grin appears on my face. This girl is just too sweet for her own good. She lets go of me shortly after, and I look down at her. Her violet eyes pop against her now clean and shiny hair.

"Let's go get some food now." I open the door and walk out. Sabina is following just behind me. I slow my pace so that she can keep up.

We leave the hospital and make our way to where most of us go to eat. We call it the Dining Hall, but really it's just an old restaurant that we got up and running again.

"This place looks kind of cozy. I've never eaten somewhere other then my home, or some random place when I managed to find food." She honestly tells me.

One of the cooks then comes out with 2 plates for us. "Thanks" I tell her.

**Smut ahead**

As we're eating I can here Sabina moaning lightly. I smile at the sound of her moaning, then I feel my pants begin to tighten in the crotch. My eyes widen when I realize what's going on. The sound of her moaning is beginning to turn me on! I don't think that I've ever been so hard in my life. Sure I'd been with other girls before, but it's taken work to get hard. If all it takes is her moaning to get my dick this solid, what would happen if I fucked her?

I shake my head, I can't think about fucking her. I just met her. Sure I'm attracted to her like no other, but I don't even know if she'll stay here.

"Caper?" I look up at her, coming out of my head. "Are you ok? You barely touched your plate." She asks cautiously.

I look down at my plate and realize that she's right. I was too caught up in my head that I had forgotten to eat. "Sorry I got lost in my head there for a second." I tell her, then start eating.

As I finish my meal, my pants are starting to get even more uncomfortable. I decide that I have to do something about this problem, before I show her around Base.

I look up to her, "I'm just going to go wash up, I'll be right back." I tell her and she nods.

I get up and quickly try to adjust myself, so that no one else sees my..... situation.


Once I'm in a bathroom, I quickly lock the door, and unzip my pants. My cock springs free, as they slide down my legs, and rest around my ankles. I wrap my hand around my cock, and give it a light squeeze.

God! I've never been this hard before! As I'm stroking myself I can feel the pressure building, and my balls are getting tight. My legs start feeling unbalanced, so I grab the counter with my free hand, to help support my weight.

I run my thumb over my slit, to spread the pre-cum over the rest of my cock. "Oh god!" I think to myself. I quicken my pace. A few strokes later, I'm exploding into my hand, on the cupboard, and floor. I'm seeing stars! I haven't had an orgasm that strong in my entire life!

It takes me a few minutes to get feeling back in my legs. Once I'm able to stand without support, I pull my pants back up, and straitened myself out. I grab some paper towels, and clean up after myself. No one should have to clean up after something like this. Except the person responsible.

After disposing the paper, I quickly wash my hands, and make my way back to the table.

**End Smut**

I see that Sabina is talking with Charli. I sit down in the empty chair, and Charli turns to me, "I was just telling Sabina here, about her living arrangements. That her room will be next to yours. I had one of the guys move all her stuff there already. So when you're done showing her around for today, you can bring her to her room and let her get settled." She explains to me.

I nod my head, and look over to Sabina, whose got a beautiful smile on her beautiful face. "Are you ready to go look around? I'm sure you'd like to head over to our weaponry, and get your Katana sharpened." I quickly glance at Charli, and she gives me a curt nod, and a wink.

Sabina's eyes light up, "Yes please! Jonah used to make sure it was always sharp. He never taught me how to do it myself, so I wasn't able to sharpen it. It doesn't cut like it used to."

My plan is to see if the Jonah in our weaponry is the same Jonah that she's referring to, her brother.

We say our goodbyes to Charli, and exit the Dining Hall. As we're walking throughout Base, I show her some of the different sectors. "Over here to the left, is the farming sector. That's we're we raise the livestock, until there ready to be used. Just beside that is our fields. Also part of the farming sector, but that's where we grow everything that's eaten. Fruits, vegetables, grains. You name it." She nods her head. "To the right is what we call 'Down Town' it's where we have shops, and other services for anyone on Base. That big building up ahead is our living quarters. The first floor is mostly a common room. More of a hangout spot. Rooms start on the second floor. Most rooms have their own bathrooms, but there are some that have a shared."

As we finish the tour, I save the weaponry for last. Fingers crossed that Jonah is here.

We walk into the warm building. Clearly they have the forges going. "I wonder what they're working on today?" I ask myself.

One of the other blade smiths, Mike, comes out, "Hey Caper, who do we have here?" He asks in a flirty tone. I glare at him, and he gets the picture. He clears his throat. "Sorry, umm... what can I do for you guys this evening?" He asks.

Just as I'm about to answer, I spot Jonah in the back. I smile, "Yeah, Sabina here has a Katana, that needs to be sharpened. Do you think he," I point to Jonah, "has time for 1 more sharpen before he leaves for the night?" I ask.

Sabina takes the blade off her shoulder, and slips it out of its protective sleeve. She places it on the counter, and Mike takes a look at it. "Hey!" He hollers back, "do you have time for one more blade sharpen?" He asks.

Jonah comes out, but hasn't noticed Sabina yet. He's too busy wiping down the blade in his hand.

When he finally gets closer to take a look at the katana, I'm assuming. I hear Sabina gasp. Jonah looks up at the sound. His eyes bug out, and the blade goes crashing to the ground.

Well I guess my theory was right. Our Jonah is, in fact, Sabina's bother. 

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